What is something you crave and can’t live without?
A need that you have to fulfill. You’re active in searching for it. It gives you chills because your heart is full. The only thing you fear is being without it because it defines your purpose. It makes you feel like a better person.
You were created to have needs that supply you emotionally, spiritually, and physically.
Humans crave connection. Desire leads to a passion that you must satisfy. Passion drives you to connect with something in a powerful way. It’s an insatiable devotion; you can’t get enough of it.
So, what are you passionate about?
In my own reflection on passion and purpose, I remember a part of the movie Sister Act 2. Have you seen it? Sister Mary Clarence (Whoopi Goldberg) was talking to the young girl who wanted to sing but was too afraid because her mother wouldn’t let her.
“If you wake up in the morning and you can’t think of anything but singing first, you’re supposed to be a singer girl.”
So, what is that thing you wake up and think about first?
Recognizing what you are passionate about in your life can help you become very self-aware. It’s hard to stay focused in a world full of distraction. But passion drives your motivation.
As a child, you had an endless supply of free-spirited optimism, but situations in your life caused that to dry up.
I believe that’s why Jesus said to be as little children (Matt 18:3, NKJV). Children aren’t inhibited by the world like you and me. They haven’t learned to distrust people because of hurt and rejection. Their hearts are warm and open, ready to accept God whenever He chooses to reach them.
Their innocence isn’t just because of lack of experience, but because their heart is humble.
God rewards humility
While teaching his disciples, Jesus called over a child to sit with them and said, “whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me” (Matt 18:4-5, NKJV).
We’ll get back to humility, but first let’s think about your desires.
What is the one thing that excites you the most?
Be honest. If you can’t be honest with yourself and with God, who will you be able to trust?
It’s ok. You’re not alone in desiring things that may not be the best for you. Maybe you’re hitting a wall and can’t think of anything, and that’s ok too. The purpose of taking a minute to think about your true desires is to reflect on what you are really chasing.
Getting to the root will help you get raw.
Raw is good, but doesn’t always feel like it. Tearing away the layers you’ve built to make you acceptable in the world takes time. Maybe you don’t even realize you’ve created them, which takes even longer to break them down.
Think of a beating heart: Lub dub, lub dub … and so on. At it’s most raw form, the heart beats freely and vigorously.
Nothing inhibits it, it just pumps.
With each pump, it sends life to every cell in the body. That’s what it was created to do … beat.
Over time, something goes wrong. Layers of thick muscle build up around the heart.
The heart keeps beating.
But the layers get thicker and thicker. Eventually, the layers are so thick, the heart can’t beat.
It can’t move like it was designed. Eventually, the blood carrying life to the cells is limited. The heart can’t survive in this condition, and neither can the body.
Peeling the layers helps us to get humble.
There is a purpose that was put inside of us, not by the world, but by our Father and Creator.
Being humble isn’t something we are naturally good at. We want reward for our good work. But the lowly in heart perform for no reward.
Working hard to get rewards is the human way, right?
Our reward for work is getting paid, which is one of the most basic principles we learn as an adult.
Working is one thing, but success is another. You want to be successful, but it’s essential to understand what success means to you … and to God.
Working hard at your job so you can have a nice retirement to enjoy might be your definition of success. If you’re a motivated individual who has many gifts in your work, that’s wonderful.
But what is God pulling you to do?
God cares about your heart, no matter what your bank account says. He’s not concerned with how much you know, or do in the world. He wants your heart to seek after Him and His Son.
Having humility is the key
When you humble yourself before God, something changes.
You view yourself as someone who needs Him. Crying out to Him displays your acceptance of your limitations. It also shows your faith.
Getting on your knees and saying that you need His help is an extremely spiritual experience.
This world will deceive you in thinking you can have all the answers.
Not enough money? No problem, you get a second job or invest.
Need a bigger house? Get a huge loan and pay it back later.
Feeling down in the dumps? Not an issue … take a few pills, and you’re fixed.
The more you look to the world and find answers yourself, the more you believe you can.
You were created by God with a purpose, just like a heart is meant to beat.
He loves you and gave His only Son so you could be reconciled back to Him.
Your body is a temple to Him. When you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, His Holy Spirit meets you right in your heart.
If you don’t receive Him, your heart has a void that yearns to be filled.
You’ll search the world to try and fill it, but there’s no replacement for Jesus Christ.
You may not realize it in your everyday motions. That is why humility is necessary. You have to be willing to take a step back and look at yourself with a humble heart. The more you peel the layers, the more you see the purpose.
God wants you to come back to Him. He wants to walk with you in your life, or carry you if you need it.
He is the only One who can truly help you.
If you’re wondering how to do that, start with your desires.
What is the job you would do even if you didn’t get paid?
Knowing your heart helps you to reflect. Jesus says “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21).
A few questions for you to think about this week:
- What do I desire more than anything?
- What am I using to fill the void in my life?
- When did I talk to God about it?
God bless you in your journey. Please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts in the comments.