Healing Journey: From Abuse to Hope with Carolyn Rice – IW 002

Healing Journey: From Abuse to Hope with Carolyn Rice – IW 002

Listen to the interview here:

Kelly: We have a great show today about healing and hope. Our guest is my friend and fellow author, Carolyn Rice.

Carolyn has suffered severe abuse but found comfort and healing at the feet of Jesus. Jesus led her to serve people in numerous ministries that helped her. In addition, she has served as the alumni director for Seattle Bible College, where she received her associate’s degree. Carolyn’s books encourage, empower, and walk women through the word of God into the victory that only can be found in Jesus Christ.

Carolyn, welcome to the I Witness Podcast.

Carolyn: Thank you. I’m excited to be here.

Kelly: Yes, I’m so excited to have you. So, Carolyn, why don’t you share a little bit about your background, your family, and what you feel comfortable sharing with our listeners? We’d love to know a little bit more about you.

The past abuse and trauma

Carolyn: Okay, so I came from a background of severe trauma where I experienced physical violence, but I also witnessed physical violence as a child. I grew up with that trauma and brokenness, and it led to more dysfunction for me. I thought dysfunction was normal. The Lord had to pull me out of that.

I also come from a background of the occult. My family was into tarot cards, palm reading, and ouija boards, and I didn’t come from a Christian home. I only knew about Jesus at a young age because of a woman named Wanda. I went to her house and heard the name God mentioned, but I didn’t know what or who it was. I thought He was like this big giant. Somebody said He was this guy up in the sky, and I really thought of Jack and the bean stock. So, I went to my neighbor’s house, and I was like, who’s God? is there really this big giant and the sky? She started telling me about Jesus and how He died for my sins.

That was my experience with the gospel as a child. The Lord had to bring me out of brokenness. My testimony about how I came to the Lord is through Wanda, but I grew up in that dysfunction and in the occult. But I actually read tarot cards. I was reading tarot cards one night and heard this voice that said, “Turn on the tv.”

I turned on the TV, and a woman was talking about ouija boards and tarot cards stealing your soul and that we needed to live for Jesus.

I threw them away and started walking with Jesus for the rest of my life. I never looked back.

I never looked back.

Kelly: Wow. That’s amazing. I’m so sorry that you had to endure the trauma that you had to endure. But, sometimes, God brings you to the other side of it.

Carolyn: Yes, He does.

Kelly: That’s amazing. I love that. You had such a sweet heart that you thought He was this big guy in the sky because it would sound like that. Especially when you’re young and you don’t know. I appreciate you sharing that so much. Do you remember who you saw on tv? Who was talking about tarot cards and talking about Jesus?

Carolyn: I don’t. It was so long ago. I really don’t remember who it was.

Kelly: It accomplished the task and put a deep enough seed in you, right? That’s wonderful.

So, you saw on TV and heard His voice to you, which is very scary sometimes because it’s that reverent kind of fear you know is powerful, but it’s not gonna hurt you. Is that how you felt whenever you heard Him speak to your heart?

Carolyn: Actually, I didn’t think anything of it. I was just like, “Oh, I should turn on the tv then.”

Kelly: That’s wonderful. I’m so glad that you turned on the TV that day.

Carolyn: Me too.

What does the healing journey look like?

Kelly: Where did you go from there? When you decided to follow Jesus,  what did that walk look like?

Carolyn: It was a journey. It was a healing journey. One of the verses, when I think about my healing journey, is in Isaiah. It talks about how God didn’t bring them straight to the point where they could have been. Instead, He brought them the long way, and I feel like the Lord really brought me the long way.

There was a guy in our Bible college class who said, as he’s drawing on the board, the journey with God goes from here to this point. Then it goes over here, and then here, and then here, and finally, you get over here. That is my journey with the Lord. He took me from one thing to another, and I really feel like my life is like that verse.

Taking the long way

He had to take me the long way because the things that I faced, especially with a background in the occult, to face them all at once would’ve been too much for me. It was a journey of healing, growing, and bringing me step by step to a place of healing. I realized that each thing He got me through prepared me for the next.

Kelly: That’s wonderful. It is so true that it is a journey all over the place. That is so funny. You’re absolutely right. I feel like you hit the nail on the head whenever you say He is preparing you in each phase or in each part of it. That’s wonderful.

Someone with a history of what you’ve gone through has a wonderful opportunity to reach people differently. Because we feel so much comfort when speaking to people who go through things we’ve gone through.

Why don’t you talk a little bit about when you went to Bible college and were involved in women’s ministries and what that journey was like when you went to Bible college?

What did God teach you?

How was it learning there? Did you learn many techniques and tools that helped you embrace your story and share it, especially with women who have gone through similar things?

Carolyn: My journey to Bible college is interesting, too, because I wanted to be a librarian. I worked at the library, and I would pray, and I’d feel “go to Bible college instead.” I was actually going to school to be a librarian. I dismissed it, then someone came to my house who had no idea what God had been talking to me about, and they were talking about Bible college and how great it would be. It kept coming up.

So I said, “Lord, if you really want me to go to Bible college, show me where to go.” My husband and I were on a breakfast date, and I saw a sign that said Seattle Bible College. I checked it out and said to my husband, “I think I need to go to Bible college.”

He goes, “Well, where would you go?” So I told him, and he said, “That’s where my family went.” I had no idea that they had gone there.

So I went there, and one of the teachers said my name, and looked at me and said, “So which Rice do you belong to?”

An unknown legacy

 I came with this legacy that wasn’t mine but my husband’s. He firmly planted me, and I didn’t have a really good grasp on the word when I went there.

But through Bible college, I grasped the word. I feel like I got a fire hose of the word, a fire hose on me. Because I had not learned that stuff as a child or a young adult, and I read my Bible, but I didn’t understand a lot of it. I just went to Bible college in obedience to Christ.

He really changed my life. I learned how to study the scriptures, understand them, and apply them to my life. I learned the background and history. Then I was able to take that and give it to other women. But what Bible college really did for me is teach me how to live in that for the rest of my life. How to study the scriptures, and how to pull out the truth. You know that saying, teach a man to fish, and he’ll fish for a lifetime, that’s what I got at Bible college.

Kelly: That’s wonderful. Wow. I didn’t even think about how you didn’t grow up in that. Gosh, that would be like a fire hose, for sure. Wow, that’s amazing. But the Holy Spirit helps you all the way. Where God guides, He provides. That’s great. I love it so much.

So what else would you say you got from Bible college, with your firehouse of information, and it’s a part of you now. Is that what started your writing journey? Is that what started your writing ministry?

The next step in the healing journey

Carolyn: I think that provided the background, but after I graduated from Bible college. I said, “Well, what’s next?”

Because I wanted to be a librarian, I went to Bible college because He told me to. I had no idea what we were doing. I don’t think God did this or caused it, but I broke my foot about a month after Bible college. I was off my foot for five months because it took a long time to heal.

During that time, I was like, “Well, what do I do now? I can’t clean my house. And I’m just kind of sitting here.”

That’s when I saw this ad for writing classes, and I just knew that’s what I was supposed to do. I ended up studying writing way longer than my foot was broken.

I studied with a company for three and a half years how to put an article together, writing fiction and nonfiction, and that’s where I learned how to write.

Kelly: Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry you broke your foot. That takes so long. There is really nothing you can do at all. Did you have a cast?

Carolyn: I had one of those big black boot things.

Kelly: What a way to put you right where you needed to be and stop you at all costs.

Carolyn: Yep.

Where God guides, He provides

Kelly: He has a way of doing that. But I think you are showing us something really important that maybe you don’t see or maybe have not even realized. I definitely see it so clearly, and it’s just obedience. The obedience you have for Him, listening, letting Him guide you, surrendering the control. Surrendering is so difficult.

It is, especially from the background that you have. But, so often, when people go through what you’ve gone through with the abuse and everything, there’s a fear guiding your life. It’s so scary to give that control away. It’s so hard.

So, I think it’s wonderful, amazing, and really inspiring. It inspires me. I’m sure it will inspire many women that listen to this to have that kind of obedience to really listen to Him and do what He’s asking. Even when He gives you a broken foot.

Even in those challenges because that in itself is a challenge. We had something similar happen recently. My husband had an accident. Let me tell you, it’s been a difficult time.

You’re a mom with a daughter, a son, and a wonderful granddaughter. You’re most likely the glue holding everybody together, and here you are with this boot on and can’t walk. But I love that you were still sharing your knowledge and ministry.

After you did the writing classes, what was the project, your first book? How did that look? Did you start writing every day?

What was that journey like? I’m sure God was guiding you through.

Working through obedience

Carolyn: I knew I was supposed to write a book, and I knew how to write a devotion well. I felt like the Lord, well … this is some background on the book I’ve never told anyone about. I pulled out every verse I could find on the love of God. I meditated on that verse for myself. I studied that verse, and then I turned each one into a devotion talking to a woman who has been broken.

I was talking to myself in the past and giving her hope in speaking to her.

I knew I was supposed to take all these devotions and turn them into a book, and I didn’t know anything about publishing. Someone introduced me to a publisher named Athena. I prayed “where am I supposed to go with this?” Every time I prayed about it, I would see this Athena water truck go by.

Carolyn: I published my first book with Athena. I’ve gone on from there, but the Lord really showed me the publishing journey through her. She really believed in my book, and I did my first radio interview with her. So it was really praying and following Him. I realized that when you don’t know where to go, wait until He shows you and step out.

I was always afraid of making a mistake and doing the wrong thing. The Lord showed me that if I make a mistake, He’s gonna make sure I get back on the right road because He’s a good Father. When we step out in that obedience, if we make a mistake, He will not judge us and pound us with a hammer. He’s going to lead us back in the right direction.

God leads us in the right direction.

Kelly: Oh yeah, that’s just beautiful. Carolyn, thank you so much for saying that because, man, do we need to hear it. I totally understand the fear of making a mistake. That’s something that always plagued me, personally, and a lot of women listening to this, too. You want to try and do everything right. But yes, absolutely.

Man, that is so funny about the truck. He’s showing you right there. He’s like, “This is how you do this. Just go with them, and that’s it.” That’s wonderful. I love your trust. During this whole journey, even though it was kind of like a scatter plot, did you feel like your trust just grew and grew, even though you still had challenges?

You still broke your foot, and I’m sure there were other challenges, such as never publishing before. But, also, thank you for sharing how you put your book together, especially if you’ve never shared that before. I feel honored that you’re sharing that with us today, honestly. That’s so much work, going through each verse like that. Especially when you have no idea because you didn’t plan necessarily to put them into a book. So you were doing that genuinely to learn, and God has repurposed it and made it new. That’s just so inspiring, honestly.

Trusting God through the healing journey.

But do you feel your trust throughout this is growing? Or is it still kind of like, what the … what’s He doing?

Carolyn: It’s, it’s growing. But, I enter situations where I’m like, “Lord, I don’t, I don’t understand this. Why am I going through this? I just obeyed you.”

I have to stop and remind myself what He’s already done. And when I do that, it helps me trust Him to move forward. Even now, I’m in a time of transition where my husband and I have walked into things that we didn’t realize we would walk into, and the Lord keeps putting that verse in front of me.

I will see the goodness of the Lord and the land of the living. I’m crying right now, but I will see the goodness of the Lord. I will have joy. I will praise the Lord once again.

Encouragement in Bible verses

Kelly: That’s wonderful. That was going to be my next question for you, is there a verse that really resonated with you that you’d like to share? Because I feel like a lot of people sometimes can’t, especially when it’s hard times, you can’t really remember because you’re overwhelmed and feeling really upset.

Kelly: So it sounds like you said that verse is from Isaiah.

Carolyn: Yeah, I didn’t write that one down, but I did write one down, though.

Kelly: Oh, good. What’s the verse you’d wanna share?

Carolyn: John 14:27  “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” NKJV

Kelly: That is so powerful. I can see where that verse can really stick with you in your journey, for sure. It’s not easy to find peace in this world, but especially when you’ve had a start like you’ve had as a child. So yes, thank you so much for sharing that.

Healing the Father Wound

Why don’t you tell us a little more about where we can find you and where we would be able to find your books. I know you have a new book,  Healing the Father Wound. Why don’t you talk a little bit about that book and how it can really bless our listeners, especially with the focus of healing and the hope that Jesus provides.

Carolyn: Healing the Father Wound is a book about looking at God the Father. I’m just gonna share the story of where this book came from.

We were sitting in church, and this pastor from our church, who’s not the regular pastor, was speaking. He said, “Anyone who’s birthing something in prayer, stand up.”

I felt like maybe I should stand up, but I don’t know. My husband’s looking at me like, “you should stand up.” But I didn’t. He wanted to pray for intercessors. Then my heart started beating out my chest, and this guy goes, “The woman who’s sitting there in your heart is beating fast, you need to stand up too.”

God calls you where you are

So I stood up. Now I know the man very well, and he’s a very good, faithful, authentic Christian. But when I stood up, I looked at him and saw anger. So I went home, and the Lord was putting on my heart to go back and watch the Facebook live of that church service, so I did.

When I stood up, there was no anger on his face at all. So the Lord showed me that I was putting anger on any man in authority. I saw him as angry. I saw him as controlling, and I knew I needed healing from that. So Healing the Father Wound is going through the book of Mark, because Mark is the action book, and looking at the actions of Jesus. John 14:9 says that when you’ve seen Jesus, you’ve seen the Father, and relating to what we see in Jesus by his actions to what our Heavenly Father is like. So many women who have been through trauma and abuse, we have looked at other men in authority, even the Heavenly Father, as angry, controlling, and mean. That’s not who our heavenly Father is. So it’s looking at who He really is.

Looking at God for who He is

Kelly: Wow. Thank you so much for sharing that, too. I love that. Your heart was beating out of your chest, and he called it so accurately. But that’s very true. A lot of women struggle with that, and I love the humility that you have. But, again, it goes back to your obedience. To listen and look at it again because you could easily say, no, this is how I see it. But you went back and saw how he didn’t have that face at all. He was trying to call on you to validate what you were already hearing and feeling. That’s amazing. We can find this book on your website, yes?

Carolyn: Yes, it’s at CarolynsBooks.com.

Kelly: Wonderful. I will definitely put a link in the show notes. Carolyn’s newest book, Healing the Father Wound, sounds like it will be extremely inspiring and bless so many people. Especially in the book of Mark, it’s such a wonderful book.

So before we go, is there any other encouragement you would like to share with the women who are listening? Or share a takeaway from your journey of where Jesus brought you from, even when you were young until now? Through all of this obedience you’ve shown, is there one encouragement you would like to share for women who may have struggled or are still struggling with what you’ve endured?

Do not give up

Carolyn: Do not give up. Keep following the Lord. He’s gonna bring you on a journey, and it may not look how you want it to look. You may not be miraculously healed overnight, but tomorrow you will be a little bit more healed than today. In a month from now, you’ll be more healed than you are today. Then, when you look back years, you’ll see all that the Lord has done in your life.

We may not understand why things happen the way they do, but when we are old, when we’re on our last days, we’ll be able to look back and see how good the Lord is. I’m middle-aged and am already looking back and seeing how wonderful the Lord has been to me. Where would I be without Him? I just, I don’t even wanna think about it.

Kelly: Yes, totally. I agree. Thank you so much. That’s just wonderful. I feel honored that you’re here today. Thank you so much for sharing your story. It’s extremely inspirational to all of us. I know I definitely have a new outlook on a lot of things, especially the struggles you’ve gone through, and I can’t wait to read your book. Carolyn, thank you so much again for being here.

Carolyn: Thank you.

*This is the edited blog version of the podcast episode. Some parts may have been edited or changed from the audio version for ease of reading and flow of information.

If you or someone you know suffers from abuse or domestic violence and want help, you can visit the National Domestic Violence Hotline or call 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE).

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Never Good Enough for Jesus with Kelly Jo Wilson – IW 001

Never Good Enough for Jesus with Kelly Jo Wilson – IW 001

Welcome to the I Witness Podcast. I’m your host, Kelly Jo Wilson, and this is the show for women who struggle to accept their worth but want to embrace their gifts and share their witness for Jesus.

Are you fighting the never-good-enough battle?

Do you want to embrace your unique gifts to share Jesus’s love with the world?

Listen to the episode here:

The goal of this podcast is to encourage and show you ways to witness for Jesus in your character daily. We embrace stories of difficult situations that test faith and discuss the hard challenges of being a woman in this world just trying to follow him. I’m so happy that you’re here for this very first episode.

This is our pilot episode for the I Witness Podcast. I am just so grateful for you to join us today.

This has been a long time coming. God has really been speaking to my heart about setting up this platform for people to share their stories and encourage each other.

Kelly’s Witness

A little background about me, my name is Kelly Jo Wilson. I’m a mom of two wonderful boys, a wife to an amazing husband, a nurse with a master’s degree in nursing education, and a writer. I have been called to pursue this path, and God just plucked me right out of my nursing profession.

I’ve always loved being around people, talking with them, and serving them in any way I can. I really love being a nurse. I miss caring for patients, but when God calls you out of where you are, you have to listen, or he’ll put pressure on you and make you listen.

I’m just trying to follow that call and want to share my quick story with you.

 I would like to witness today about some things that I’ve struggled with, and maybe you can relate. When I was young, I always fought body image issues. I was a happy kid, well-liked and well-loved, with lots of friends and a wonderful family.

But I always struggled.

I grew up in an Italian family, you know, where gatherings were always centered around food, which was delicious. When I was younger and then into my early teen years, I was a little on the softer side.

My body was bigger, different, and never-good-enough

I was a teenage girl going through all those changes that we go through, and I just didn’t like what I saw in the mirror. When I went to school one day, I decided not to eat my lunch that day. Then one day turned into a week and a week turned into a month, and before I knew it, the struggle was into a full-blown eating disorder.

I didn’t even know it at the time. I didn’t mean to hurt anybody, it was a very concrete kind of thinking that if I wanted to be thinner and prettier, I had to stop eating. It was very simple. My mom took me to a few doctors, and she was a nervous wreck.

Once I realized that it was an issue and it was more than what I really wanted or thought it was, I had to realize that this was a real problem.

I remember talking to one of the doctors and he asked me to describe my normal thinking every day about myself, about food, and what I would do, essentially.

He asked me what started everything and he said how many times a day are you weighing yourself? I told him that I wasn’t, I didn’t weigh myself at all. It was only going on how I looked. I remember him writing that down, so in my teenage mind, I thought that was significant. I thought I should focus on getting better.

A secret battle with unrealistic expectations

I really struggled internally. Anybody with any mental health issues like that, an eating disorder, or any other mental illness, it’s really a secretive disease. It’s a really kind of keeping it to yourself, don’t wanna hurt anybody, don’t wanna bother anybody.

You just want to handle everything on your own. At least, that’s how I felt. So, that kind of thinking really plagued me for most of my life, leading into my young adulthood and even early adult days.

 It really fueled that, you’re never good enough, I was never thin enough, never pretty enough. It fueled the unrealistic expectation that I could just never meet. I don’t even know why or how that expectation got set, and it was really difficult.

It led to me making very poor, horrible choices throughout my life. And to not really care about my body, going into this never-enough mindset, and trying to people please all through my adulthood. It really was a struggle internally for a long time.

On the outside, I had a lot of friends, and not many people know or knew. This is the first that I’m really sharing it in the open. When I got older and God brought me to a place of realization, I recognized that food and image weren’t the issues.

In the brokenness, Jesus showed up

It was about control, and that control issue was something I was chasing but I could never get. It wasn’t until Jesus really spoke to me one day and said “You’ve got to stop,” that I made a really drastic change in my life when I heard His words.

I knew exactly what He meant. He meant that I had to stop this never-good-enough, never thin-enough, just always tearing myself down. It was into such a spiral that with every single mistake I made, I spiraled more and more down this web of shame and guilt.

And I knew him,  I accepted him into my life when I was very young and always felt his presence and the presence of the Holy Spirit.

But, the more I felt shame and guilt, the more I knew I was unworthy of Him. I didn’t even feel worthy to speak His name. So, I really did not embrace what He teaches us, to rely on Him and come to Him when we are weary and weak. I just didn’t even feel good enough to even talk to Him.

Once He spoke to my heart, I knew that it was time to reevaluate what I was doing in my life. I had a season when I was completely broken down to my core. I had to surrender everything to him. It was a very life-changing moment.

Once I did that, I finally realized that it was never about me being worthy enough to accept Him, be loved by Him, or be good enough to talk to Him.

It was always because He is worthy that I am accepted through God’s grace. And once I realized that’s when I could fully embrace His presence and what He wanted to change inside my heart.

Life was still hard, but He changed me

After that, I had a number of challenges that I’ve gone through in my life, my adult life. It’s not like it completely disappears. Once you finally listen, sometimes you even face challenges that are a little harder.

But all through those challenges, instead of the craving for control, I was able to surrender the control and give it to Him. I really stepped back and let Him work.

I still struggle sometimes to take up my cross and follow Him and give Him that control. It’s, it’s always been my struggle. It probably will always be, but He is with me in the fight.

Reason for this podcast

So, that’s one of the reasons why I started this podcast is that, as women especially, we really struggle. We play all these different roles and we have all these roles in our lives. We are juggling all these balls in the air. It’s really hard to give up control when we have so many things, and we’re just that glue for our families and for all the people in our lives.

We’re trying to live this life for Him. But we especially struggle with guilt, shame, past mistakes, and never-good-enough thinking. I wanted to have this platform for other women and people struggling with that or have struggled in different situations to speak.

To share how their faith was changed and their relationship with God and Jesus changed when they faced those hard times. He brings us through to the other side to see things we would never have seen if we kept going down a certain path.

I initially had the idea for this podcast years ago called I Witness. Just us witnessing, literally writing down and sharing a big notebook across the world, and just kind of a naive. . simple idea.

But, loving technology nowadays, this is a wonderful place to share and get that message out. To share the encouragement of how Jesus works in our lives and how he brings us through really difficult times into a peace that we never would’ve known.

Podcast Overview

I am going to share a couple of details just to give you an overview of what to expect in future episodes and what the podcast can provide for you. One of the reasons to listen to the show is for encouragement and an opportunity to have community with other women struggling with things similar to what you’re struggling with.

I really hope to provide some tools, tips, and different resources for us to embrace that daily walk with Jesus and embrace those times that are really hard

If you are a mom, wife, single woman, or a Christian woman just struggling to see yourself as a capable, beautiful, worthy daughter in Jesus. If you fight that never-good-enough battle in your mind and wonder what unique gifts you can share in witnessing for him every day are, then this podcast is for you.

I hope this will encourage you and empower you to live your purpose for Him, that He’s calling you to live.

Future episodes will be some solo episodes. A devotional style, sharing devotional stories, resources for you, and recommendations that can help, depending on what topic we’re talking about for that day.

It’s also an interview-style podcast that will have people on with really compelling stories of faith in hard situations to show us how God works in our lives and to share that encouragement with one another.

How to subscribe to the podcast

If you want to subscribe to the podcast, you can open your smartphone. It will have a podcast app built in, whether it’s through Google, Apple, Android, or you can use Spotify or any other different kind of podcast app.

You can click in your podcast app and search for I Witness. If you click the button to subscribe right in the app, that would be fantastic.

Here is a link to the page for the I Witness podcast if you’d like to visit and choose your favorite podcast app to subscribe.

I just wanted to give you a quick overview and share my story. I appreciate you so much for listening today. Just hit that subscribe button in your podcast app so you can be notified of new episodes.

I hope that you have a wonderful day, and thank you so much for listening.

If you or anyone you love struggles with an eating disorder, please click here for support through the National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA). “Eating disorders have the second highest mortality rate of all mental health disorders, surpassed only by opioid addiction.”- NEDA

The Wilson Shop Kelly Jo Wilson
I Witness Podcast merch at The Wilson Shop through Etsy
Why is Helping People Important for Your Calling?

Why is Helping People Important for Your Calling?

Do you feel God calling you to make a change?

You want to help people. But you’re not sure how to move forward.

It’s hard to focus on what you want to do because you need to function for everyone in your life.

But you don’t want to bury your talent. Instead, you want to embrace what God wants you to be. He gave you a unique gift.

Once you spend more time with Jesus, He ignites a spark in you.

He works in your heart to conform to His way. He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).

But you sin. We all do.

So why does He need us to help Him?

He doesn’t. He needs us to help each other. 

Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Luke 10:2, NKJV

Jesus chooses people to teach and spread the word of God. He wants His chosen to go forward in love to different cities. But, just like a ripe harvest, there is no gain unless the laborers gather the crop. So it’s a balancing act between timing and conditions.

If the crop is picked too early, the farmer has to pay more for handling it. But, on the other hand, it could mean losing more plants if it’s too late.

Signs indicate when the crop needs to be picked, but the farmer must have a keen eye.

Once picked, preparation is meticulous. Specific stages of the harvest process are essential and take time.

Jesus tells us the harvest is great, but we must be like the farmer and read the signs. People need encouragement, mercy, and love.

And we all need Jesus.

If someone is going through the hardest time in their life and we shove a Bible in their face and tell them it will make everything better, they probably aren’t ready for that yet.

But in the same situation, if we offer comfort or encouragement through our gifts from the Holy Spirit, we have a better impact.

God made every one of us a unique reflection of His glory.

You help people with your gift.

You have a perspective that no one else does in this world. Your life experience helps you connect with people in a particular way, walking with them through trials you’ve been through yourself.

But when you believe in Jesus, and the Holy Spirit comes into your life, you are blessed with a spiritual gift that tends to the harvest.

Some people are the leaders, guiding people through organization and planning. Others are the comforters, loving people in every moment.

Helping people is an important part of your calling because He wants you to share it, regardless of your gift.

Where God calls your heart, that’s where He needs you.

So spend time with Him, even a few minutes in the morning before your coffee.

The more you pray and spend time with God, the easier it’ll be to see His purpose.

You can make a difference right now. Don’t burn yourself out trying to live up to the world’s expectations.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made!

God bless you!

If you want a simple and fun way to learn your spiritual gift, check out my free quiz

Share your spiritual gift in the comments 😊

How to Know God is Pruning You

How to Know God is Pruning You

It’s not always apparent when God chooses to prune things from your life.

Sometimes He needs to teach you something in ways you don’t expect until you’ve overcome the struggle. Other times He needs to remove something so you can grow stronger in your faith.

A few years ago, I wanted a garden. So, we took a family trip to Home Depot and bought loads of flowers. Before we were about to checkout, I saw grapevines on sale, so I bought them.

I thought it would be fun to grow my own grapes, farmhouse-ish style.

I had no idea what I was doing.

The instructions said to give lots of water, till the soil, and prune the branches.
I thought I could be munching some grapes toward the end of Summer. But I had to wait 3 years!

Nevertheless, each year I watered, tilled, pruned, and waited. The waiting part was the hardest. Especially when the grapes looked so tasty.

The time finally came to enjoy the fruit, and you know what?

We sold our house that year!

I didn’t even get the chance to eat them because God had a different plan for us.

We’d searched for a new home for years, and He blessed us the year the grapes were ready.
I did all that work for someone else to enjoy.

Isn’t that a typical example of how God works in His own timing?

We might pray for something and be faithful, but God blesses us in His time and His way.

Those grapes would’ve tasted terrible if I had eaten them too early. But I stayed with it, faithfully pruning.

The same way we prune grapevines, God is pruning us.

Sometimes, He prunes us for a long time before we can even appreciate His blessings.

The pruning isn’t easy. In fact, we may not realize the struggle we’re going through is actually a good thing coming from God and not the world.

Psalms 91:2 (NKJV) says,

“I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress;
My God, in him. I will trust.”

David declares how God has protected him, especially in difficult times. But he starts by first putting his trust in God.

Trust is something we struggle with. I know I certainly do. But it’s a necessary first step to embrace God, especially during times of pruning. Pruning is uncomfortable, and we must lean on Him through the changes.

But, we try to figure things out for ourselves and doubt our worth, so we don’t believe He’s talking to us in our life. His voice is overcome by the noise of our own guilt or shame.

It takes a LOT of submissions to fully accept His path.

Sometimes we unintentionally get in His way.

But it usually takes complete surrender for us to be open to what He’s doing.

God is pruning you to help your spiritual growth.

Here are 4 ways to reflect on how God is pruning you

1. Are you under pressure right now?

For example, is it a difficult time at work? Are you burning out at home? Usually, there’s pressure on you that tests your faith. But pressure helps you to see your strengths and weaknesses.

Most importantly, it guides you to look to God for help. Being faithful during stressful times has big rewards. It’s the pressure that brings out the character in you.

2. What temptations do you struggle with?

That doesn’t mean just the most obvious big ones, such as adultery or addictions. Instead, look into the more subtle temptations like toxic thinking about yourself, selfishness, anger, and idolatry. Look at what you are tempted to do, say, or think. Look at the situations you’re put into. Is God trying to show you something? Are you running away from Him or toward Him?

3. Who are your helpers?

Look for people in your life that are there for you during difficult times. Reflect on your relationship with them. Is it one-sided? God will bring people to you that can provide assistance through a hard time.

However, He can also show you the true colors of people you thought were reliable. They could be those you least expect. You will know the good ones by their fruits … if they consistently give you love, kindness, and longsuffering, they are probably genuine.

On the other hand, if they want you to be something else rather than accept you for who you are, God may be trying to remove them from your life.

When I first learned that I had cancer, the people I thought would be in my corner were surprisingly absent. But God also blessed me with many genuine people I didn’t expect would be my best supporters.

4. What conflict are you going through right now?

What obstacles are you trying to overcome? Something is occurring that you don’t want to change. But change may be what God needs from you. So take a step back and look at both sides of the conflict. What part lines up with God’s character?

I recommend studying the story of Joseph in the Bible (Genesis 37). Joseph was blessed with visions God gave him, but that gift almost cost him his life. His brothers were so jealous of him they threw him in a pit only for him to be taken into slavery. Ultimately, everything God allowed to happen to Joseph ended in blessing, not only to him and his family but the entire nation of Israel.

I hope these tips help you endure this time.

God’s pruning is uncomfortable for us but necessary for what He needs. Change is never easy when we can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. But God’s path is always the best one. So keep praying and spending time with Him to hear His voice in your life.

You are a strong, capable individual that can do anything with God’s help.

Please comment with one way you’ve been blessed by God’s pruning in your life. I’d love to hear your story.

How to Accept Love When You Don’t Feel Worthy  of It

How to Accept Love When You Don’t Feel Worthy of It

No one could love me … I feel empty … I’m not good enough … I don’t have the strength to love … I can’t be rejected again ….

Have you said any of these to yourself?

I know I have.

You don’t feel like you can accept love from Jesus because you’re not worthy of it. Or maybe you’re trying really hard but don’t feel it’s good enough.

The first thing you need to know is this …

You can’t do anything to change the love Jesus has for you.

That’s where it all starts.

Because He loves you, He chose to die for you. It’s all because of God’s grace.

You don’t have to earn it, just accept it.

Accept love …. Seems like a simple task, but because we are prisoners to our own thoughts, it’s nearly impossible sometimes.

After all, is there any critic harsher on yourself than you?

It’s so easy to blame ourselves for things, and it involuntarily gives us some kind of control over it. But tearing ourselves down because of things we’ve done, or have been done to us, only prevents us from accepting what Jesus wants to give.

If there’s a pain in your past, you are likely still fighting with it. No matter what it is, you had to deal with something that broke you at some point in your life.

Maybe you’ve never healed from it. Or you’ve recovered, but the healed areas are weak and feel like new cracks opening up any time there’s pressure.

The more pressure, the more the pain. Whether you feel that force from the outside world, or the inside world of your own thoughts, it’s pushing you farther from allowing love in your life.

“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” Romans 5:8

Love is a gift.

It’s something given to us by God through Jesus Christ. But it’s hard to accept love when you don’t feel worthy or just too broken to fix.

Maybe you don’t think He could love someone like you.

If you feel that way, please know … His love is not conditional.

It exists whether you accept it or not.

He loves you and has shown you the highest form of that love by giving His own life for yours.

“And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him” (1 John 4:16).

Even if you don’t think you’re worthy, once you believe in Jesus and confess He is the Son of God, He abides in you.

He accepts you and stands with you. It has nothing to do with you deserving it.

It’s a tough thing to grasp because we work our entire lives to be accepted.

We work so hard to please people. We don’t want to be rejected because even bad company can feel better than loneliness.

When we don’t feel worthy of the love Jesus gives, it bleeds into other areas of our lives. As a result, we tend to push others away, even unknowingly.

If Jesus already loves us no matter what, then what do we have to do?

We believe that Jesus is the Son of God who gave His life for ours, died on the cross, and was resurrected. Therefore, we accept Him into our life as our Lord and Savior.

If you struggle to put your faith in Jesus, you’re not alone.

Unfortunately, most of us have a hard time, especially when we are in a difficult place in our lives. 

I’ve accepted Jesus as my Savior but still falter in many ways. It’s not a destination. It’s a journey. 

I know the cunning ways of my own mind and the lies I’ve believed for many years about myself. There is never peace from what I tell myself.  

But it’s different with Jesus. Believing His words takes a leap of faith … and something changes when I choose to trust Him.

But the way He reaches me isn’t the same as you because every person is different. You have a unique relationship with Jesus that’s completely yours.

He will reach you in ways you need, no one else.

But I encourage you to let go.

Let go of the burden of lies. Just for one day, talk to yourself as if you’re talking to your best friend or sister.

If she came to you saying she can’t accept love because she’s not good enough for Jesus, what would you tell her?

Jesus wants you to know that His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Mat 11:30). 

We are surrounded by a world that doesn’t know Him. Every day within that world, seeing terrible things can test our faith.

I encourage you to listen to God’s word, not even your own. He will tell you the truth about yourself and the love He’s given you as a gift of grace.

Jesus knows what it’s like facing a world of rejection, hate, and pain.

But God is faithful, and Jesus has overcome the world (John 16:33).

His love gives you purpose, strength, and courage. You are worth it.