How to refill your cup when you’re burned out

How to refill your cup when you’re burned out

Do you have days that you feel like your cup is empty but you keep having to pour more out? You always give pieces of yourself to everyone else, but you’re burning out.

You care so much about everyone else, but what about you? 

Days are repetitive. Dishes upon dishes, errands galore, and little if any “metime. You are most likely the glue holding everything together. 

But what if you are burning out? 

You’re starting to come unglued, which means everything else is too. 

Some days do you question why?

Why do you pick your kids clothes off the floor after you told them a thousand times about putting them in the hamper?

Why do you answer the phone at 3am knowing it’s your brother asking for money again? 

Why stay at a dead-end job instead of following your passion?

I’m going to take a wild guess and say the root of your why is love. 

You love your crazy kiddos and would do anything for them, even if it means repeating yourself until your hair starts falling out.

And your brother, he struggles with many things, but you love him anyway. 

Your job may not be glamorous, but it puts food on the table for your family. 

Love is the most powerful driving force in our lives. Love guides you, but burned out you isn’t going to give the way you truly want.

When is it enough? Who refills your cup when it’s empty?

When you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, His love is in you. 

He is the source of the love you share with other people. It’s a gift from Him, and His Spirit is within you. 

God’s love is inside you, and it’s the fountain of life. Its flow is endless and will provide whatever amount you need. 

Jesus says, “But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” John 4:14, NKJV.

Think about that for a minute. 

Your cup is empty, and you have no strength to refill it. But here comes Jesus, and He has a fountain of endless water for you. 

Let Him search your heart. You are a special person, created in God’s image. 

Quiet time with Him is more effective than any other task you perform in your everyday life.

I don’t mean to sound dismissive of the many priorities in your life that are extremely important. The point is, that you are the central force within those priorities. You’ll burn out if your heart isn’t filled with the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

You and Him tackle life together, and you need each other. He needs you to spend time with Him so you can fulfill His purpose for your life. 

You need Him to guide you and refill the love in your heart. The moment you get alone with Him, you know you’re in the right place. You feel your spirit finally satisfied. 

Once your cup is filled with that love, you are a blessing to others… and God. 

“No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us. By this we know that we abide in Him, and He in us, because He has given us His Spirit” 1 John 4: 12-13, NKJV

He perfects love in you.

It doesn’t grow weary or lose its impact. On the contrary, it only gets stronger the more you give. 

There’s no guilt or shame with Jesus, only encouragement and support. 

When you feel like you have to keep juggling or else everything will fall, that’s when He’ll want you to put down the balls. So give it to Him and watch what happens. 

Five ways to let Jesus refill your cup when you’re burned out: 

1. Stop 

 Take a moment to breathe and stop your mind from racing about all the things you have to do in one day. You’re always on the go. Time to stop getting burned out. Take 10 minutes before work or wake up earlier than usual to sit in silence in your room. Even just 10 minutes with God will prepare you for the entire day. It opens the valve to let the fountain flow. 

2. Ask for help 

 You do many things only you can do, but not absolutely everything. For example, maybe your kids can’t go to your job for you, but they surely can clean their own room or run the vacuum. Ask a friend to help with dinner. Do whatever you can to delegate some of your responsibilities to give you time to get on track. There’s no shame in asking for help. Remember, the purpose is to have your cup of love refilled. The more time you spend doing every little thing, the less time you have for the most important ways you serve those around you. 

3. Get alone 

Even if you have to hide in a closet to get some alone time with God, do it! Whatever you have to do to get alone with Him so you can open your heart, it’s the best intervention. The first time may be hard and uncomfortable, but you will want even more once you see how freeing it is.  

4. Let it out

You might think, ok, now I made the time, now what do I say? Say everything! Whatever is in your heart. Talk to Him about dinner or even the frustration you feel because you’re so tired. The point is to let it out to your Savior. He can take any part of your life, whether broken or burned out, and help you find the purpose in it. 

5. Repeat

Everything we just talked about … do it again. Keep it going daily or even weekly, and you will see a change in your life and in your relationship with God and Jesus. Time spent with Them is never wasted. 

God bless you.

Please comment with one thing burning you out and how you plan to give it to Jesus.

Why prayer is important even if you don’t go to church

Why prayer is important even if you don’t go to church

Prayer isn’t a ritual. It’s a relationship with God. But, how do you know you are praying “the right way”? Is there a right way to pray?

A church can teach you many things about prayer, fellowship, and the story of God’s love for us. But what if you never went to church?

Jesus calls you to follow Him right where you are. For you, maybe He called you at a low point in your life. He knows how to reach your heart when it’s just you and Him.

Perhaps you’ve always felt Him with you since you were a kid. No matter how He came into your life, it’s a very personal experience.

And, most likely, it wasn’t when you were in church.

But, once you trust in Him as your Savior, it can be hard to know what to do next.

When I started going to church as an adult, I didn’t know what to expect. My Dad always talked to me about the word of God, but we didn’t belong to a specific church.

So, when I decided to attend a non-denominational Christian church in my twenties, I traveled uncharted territory. Despite my love for God and talking to people, it was uncomfortable.

I felt like I already had a personal relationship with God, and I wasn’t sure how these people would fit into that. I had questions …

Do they believe in the word of God?

Would they try to change me?

What if they just want money?

I felt God calling me to get out of my head and just go. So, I had to listen.

The church wasn’t in a typical church building but in a YWCA meeting hall. So, I sat at the end of the last row, with my head down, taking notes.

My usual extroverted self took the day off, and my skeptical introvert took over.

I kept going, sitting by myself and letting that introvert lead the way.

It was months before I really talked to anyone. It was the most out of character thing I’d ever done.

Why is it so hard to embrace church?

I struggled at first because my relationship with God is very personal, just like yours is with Him.

I didn’t want that to change. Honestly, I didn’t want anyone else to tell me I had to change it or make it different.

Most of my prayers took place in my car while driving. I just talked to God all the time.

I was afraid that a church full of people who knew “the right way to pray” would try to take it away. Or judge me for not being just like them.

I couldn’t have been more wrong.

I found out that many of those people did the same thing. They had their own relationship with God too.

Your relationship with God involves talking to Him. You may hear people talk about “prayer life.” I didn’t know what that meant, but it’s just a way of saying how you meet with God.

The most important thing you can do is spend time with God through prayer. As much time as you can.

Whether you go to church, spend time in your room, or even take a walk to talk to Him, it’s all part of building your relationship.

“Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving” Colossians 4:2

There’s a lot to learn from this one verse. So let’s break it down.

Earnestly in prayer

When you are praying, are you really sharing your heart with God? This is your Father. He knows you inside and out and created every part of you. He wants you to share your deep desires with Him.

Instead of passively reciting “our Father who art in heaven,” maybe start with “God I don’t know what to do. I need your help. Please search my heart. In Jesus’ holy name I pray…”

The Lord’s prayer is wonderful, and it was taught to us by Jesus. But, God also wants you to open your heart … what’s in it right now?

Fear. Anxiety. Shame. Guilt. Despair. Love. Faith. Joy.

You can share all of that with Him.

Jesus teaches “But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly” Matthew 6:6

Prayer isn’t for show. It’s for you and God.

No one can tell you what you should say because no one knows what’s in YOUR heart except God.

Being Vigilant in Prayer

When you wake up in the morning, what is the first thing you do?

You probably do that thing every day. You either have to do it, or you choose to do it. Either way, it’s part of your daily life.

Life is crazy, especially with what’s going on in the world right now. The day will easily get away from you.

That’s why being intentional in planning time for God helps. Although, I have to admit I struggle with this sometimes.

Spending 10 minutes with God in the morning before everyone in the house wakes up can change your entire day.

Vigilance means alert, aware, and attentive.

The time you sit down to pray will be the time you’re most attacked by Satan. He’ll try to distract you, even in the middle of your prayer.

Do you know why?

Because the more time you spend with God, the stronger His spirit is within you.

That is a threat to Satan.

There is no higher level of importance than your relationship with the living God. Through Jesus Christ, you can have the connection with God He’s always wanted, and you’ve always craved.

Pray with Thanksgiving

It’s easy to forget what we’ve once prayed for when things are going good, right?

Outta sight, outta mind.

The hard stuff He’s carried you through becomes part of your past that you don’t think about every day. We get used to our lives quickly moving, and overlook blessings right in front of our faces.

Try to remember what Jesus has done for you. You can experience joy, peace, and the full grace of God because of Him.

Look around you and find the goodness He’s put in your life.

This is not to guilt you in any way, just encouragement to open your heart and mind to the blessings God has given you.

If it’s hard for you to see, spend more time with Him. Tell Him about it. Let Him know you want to see your life as He does.

He’ll hear you.

How does prayer change your life?

Here are a few (among many) ways:

  1. You get closer to Jesus
  2. You start to see yourself and your life in a different, positive light
  3. You develop a hunger for more Jesus in your life
  4. You see the path God is putting in front of you
  5. You make time with God a priority, which helps you focus
  6. Your heart is guided toward what God wants, not just what you want
  7. You grow in your spiritual life

If you are struggling to find time to talk to God, you are not alone.

Remember, your relationship with God is personal and different from everyone else’s.

The best thing you can do is simply make the time.

You’ll see a transformation occur in your life.

It’s time with your Father through Jesus, your Savior. They are waiting for you.

Please comment if you struggle in your prayer life and how we can pray for you

How to Push Forward When You Feel Like Giving Up

How to Push Forward When You Feel Like Giving Up

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord” 1 Corinthians 15:58, NKJV

Do you ever feel like you want to give up?

You know you should push forward, but you just can’t find the energy. You feel like giving up and throwing in the towel.

You question the purpose of this tough thing you’re going through because you’ve been faithful.

God rewards those who believe in Him, right?

So why is it so hard?

I remember a time when I almost didn’t finish nursing school. I was a non-traditional student, which is a fancy way to say I was old compared to the others.

I wanted to quit.

I prayed instead. A lot.

And despite my feelings, I stayed the course, kicking and screaming the entire time.

And you know what? I graduated.

God had to nudge me, but I did it. He provided the path. I just had to walk it.

Becoming a nurse was the hardest but most rewarding journey I’ve ever taken. I’ve met people I’ll never forget.

But the most important part was being able to help in their vulnerable moments.

God was always with me, even when I wanted to give up.

In your life, I’m sure there are times you’ve wanted to quit, too.

But maybe your situation is more tragic, like losing someone you love.

You feel lost and heartbroken. And you just don’t have the strength anymore.

Sometimes, it’s just too hard.

And pushing forward takes too much energy that you have to muster from every cell in your body.

It isn’t easy to see God’s plan when we’re going through something difficult.

But God’s word says to be steadfast and immovable.

So how can we stay the course when all we want to do is give up?

We let Jesus do it.

We aren’t strong enough to withstand all the battles in our flesh telling us to quit.

Our spirit is broken down by the lies of the world, saying we can do everything ourselves.

We feel inadequate, shameful even when we feel like giving up, which only fuels more despair.

But Jesus can do it. So ask Him for help right where you are.

Pray. Pray. Pray.

Building your relationship with Jesus will strengthen His presence in your life.

The more time you spend with Him, the more you trust Him.

You’d be surprised at how He shows up just when you can’t take it anymore.

He promised you that He would give you rest.

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” Matthew 11:28

Resting in Jesus doesn’t mean giving up and just going to sleep.

It means giving Him your burden and taking comfort in the truth that He will carry it.

Whatever makes you feel like quitting, God knows you are capable of being steadfast with His help.

He is faithful that you will press forward.

And you know who else knows? Satan.

He knows that you are powerful and immovable as soon as you have God and Jesus on your side.

Trust God, give it to Jesus, and you will make it through.

It sounds too easy, but trust is the hardest thing for us to give away. 

Please comment below on how we can pray for you in your journey.

You’re not alone. You can do this!

How to Know God is Calling You

How to Know God is Calling You

Do you struggle to know how God is calling you in your life?

He doesn’t answer when you pray. He has a message for you, but you have no idea how to hear it.

You feel disconnected from Him.

You think He doesn’t hear you when you ask Him for guidance. Then it prompts you to believe you are not good enough to do His work.

You struggle and need Him to show you. His silence gets louder every day, making it harder to keep the faith.

I understand. I’ve been there, too.

You have a story, and it’s filled with beautiful brokenness. Not one person on this earth knows what it’s like to be you.

For that simple reason, there is a unique path for your life that is only yours.

But God has bigger plans for you.

He has given you something special. All of your experiences, both wonderful and difficult, contribute to it. It’s taking new shape every time you face something in your life.

God has dealt to each one a measure of faith” (Romans 12:3, NKJV).

You have something God has given to you, just you.

He calls you to function in a certain way for His church.

If you have a gift of mercy, He needs you to comfort His people in hard times.

If your gift is prophecy, He needs you to tell the world about His grace, whether you shout from the rooftops or tell your neighbor in your backyard.

It’s for His purpose that you are different from anyone else in the world. God’s church isn’t the building you attend on Sundays. It’s His people.

Jesus sacrificed Himself for everyone.

Everyone includes … everyone—both the killer and the victim.

God rejoices when you believe in Him and want to share His word.

Through the Holy Spirit, your gift is magnified. It’s God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit that equip you to share the fruits of the Spirit, such as goodness and love.

So how do you know when God is calling you?

Read the five ways God may be calling you.

Here are 5 ways to know when God is calling you to use your gift:

1. You notice something different

You start to notice how you are different from others and how your abilities can help a situation.

Your natural tendency to lead, comfort, or speak up is part of how God has equipped you for sharing His message.

You are comfortable in certain situations that others are not. But don’t compare yourself to others because just as you have a unique gift, they do too.

This gift has been with you for a long time, and you just start making the connection that maybe it is something more.

2. You can’t stop it

When someone is hurting, do you feel compelled to comfort them?

Or in a group of people, are you always the one to take on the leadership role?

This is because you naturally just can’t stop it. Especially when you are spending time with God and really connected with Him through Jesus.

It’s like it overflows out of you, and you are just along for the ride. When you are able to use the gifts God has given you, you feel invigorated.

It’s like you are a fish in water, swimming because that’s what you were meant to do.

3. God doesn’t stop calling you

Maybe you don’t recognize the positive impact you make, and you’re doubting yourself and God. You’ve tried to be successful in the world but faced heartache and failure.

You get frustrated and angry, even at God.

But you are still pulled toward Him in some way. You feel nudged to reach out to people.

Your fire is still kindled, but you’re not sure how hard you should burn. Maybe life has hit you hard.

But God still calls you to move forward. Perhaps it’s a different path than you thought, which makes you skeptical.

For that reason, you wish you could just turn it off.

But you can’t stop noticing the ways He’s guiding you.

4. When you listen, it’s blessed beyond measure

Ok, so you’ve noticed something going on, and you see that it’s powerful.

You have faith that God really is calling you, but how are you supposed to take the first step?

When God wants you to do something, He has a path for it. You won’t understand at the moment, but you’ll know when it’s led by Him.

When you step out in faith, He knows … and He was counting on it.

There is nothing you can do but pray and listen to His instruction. It’s not an easy path, but it’s a necessary one. You can’t see the impact from your point of view, but He can.

Trust that He will guide you. He’s already equipped you. The more you submit, the more you will grow and trust.

Spend time with Him to know His voice in your life. There are so many lies in this world, and the more you focus on Him, the easier it gets to separate the lies from His truth.

5. Service

Whether you believe it or not, you have a ministry.

God calls you with the gifts He’s equipped you to serve Him. That service will look different for you than it does anyone else.

You may be a nurse like me who cares for people that are sick. You may be a stay-at-home mom who is teaching her kids to grow in faith and love.

No matter where you are in your life, God calls you to do His work.

When you spend time with Him and become more aware of your gifts, it’s easier to recognize when He needs you.

Do you think spending time with your friend who is hurting because of her divorce isn’t a way to show mercy?

What about that time you helped someone who needed a few extra dollars just to get some food?

It’s in the little things that God equips you to reach His people. Those are the times that continually bless others and transform your heart.

If you want to learn more about your gifts and how God equips you, I suggest reading Ephesians chapter 2 and Romans chapter 12, NKJV.

I also suggest taking my short free quiz on finding your spiritual gift by clicking this link .

It may help you see yourself differently and understand how God is calling you.

Please comment on how God is working in your heart to help you share your gift.

How to know you’re changed when you believe in Jesus

How to know you’re changed when you believe in Jesus

You believe in Jesus and welcomed Him as your Savior.  But, how did Jesus change you?

How do you know you’ve been made new?

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” 2 Corinthians 5:17

You met Jesus in a way that’s uniquely yours. Whether you accepted Him years ago or just a few seconds ago, you’ve been made new.

But what changed? You don’t feel or look very different.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. It doesn’t mean your doubtful, you just want to understand your purpose, right?

So, what does it mean to be a new creation?

Well, let’s go right to the source … God’s word. A few points of focus may help you understand the essential details surrounding the moment you spoke with your heart and accepted Jesus.

Jesus Change

1. Reconciliation

There is no way we could be connected with God unless He chose to reconcile us to Himself.

God created this world perfectly. When sin had overtaken His creation, He chose to bring His children back to Himself through Jesus Christ.

“Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation” 2 Corinthians 5:18-19.

Reconciliation is not to reject us for our mistakes, but to love us and give us a chance for redemption through Him. Without God choosing to bring us back to Him, we wouldn’t have the chance at eternal life through Jesus.

In the same way God graciously gave us Jesus, we give the message of Jesus to one another.

Through our character of joy, love, peace, longsuffering, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, all of these are the fruits that show God’s Spirit of reconciliation.

Kindness toward someone tells them they aren’t rejected but accepted. Especially if that person is someone who’s difficult. I know there’s one person that just popped into your mind … that’s the person He may be calling you to reach.

Without Jesus, it’s just too hard for us. We have gifts that He amplifies, but He is the One that works in us to reach people in ways we can’t.

Jesus Change

2. Change

You may have known about Jesus for a long time. Maybe you struggled with really believing He was the Son of God.

But, the moment you said you accept Him as your Savior, you admitted something to yourself and to God.

You confessed with your heart that you are not perfect and make mistakes, but you aren’t justifying them with excuses.

You recognized you have sinned against God. You realized that your forgiveness is possible through Jesus Christ, His Son.

It’s different saying it with your heart, because you can easily go through the motions without having the Holy Spirit in your life otherwise.

For example, confession, going to church, even doing charity … you can do all of that without truly knowing Jesus.

Confessing with your heart is the circumcision Paul talks about in Romans 2. Physical circumcision was an outward expression of devotion to God. But saying it with your heart is a deeper bond with God.

Jesus changes your heart.

What’s in your heart is secret. But, God knows the deepest parts of you.

And that’s what He’s interested in seeing changed.

As a nurse, I can tell you that when a patient is sick, we always treat the symptoms but look for the underlying cause.

Such as, someone may be coughing or feverish, but fixing the root of the problem is what will ultimately make her better.

Changes need to come from the inside out. This is true for your body and your spirit.

Jesus said “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance” Luke 5:31-32.

Once you accept Jesus, He lives within you. You have His Helper, the Holy Spirit, to guide you with your everyday decisions.

You’re a new person, a changed person.

As a result, once you confess with your heart, you start sharing it with the world through the fruits of the Holy Spirit.  

Jesus says you can’t put new wine into old wineskins or they will burst and be spilled. Well, you can’t be the same person you were once you accept Jesus as your Savior. It’s like putting old wine into new wineskin …

You are different.

Jesus Changes Kelly Jo Wilson

3. Purpose

When you are a new creation in Jesus, your heart is His tablet, where the gospel message of Jesus Christ is written.

His church is not a building. It’s His people who believe and accept Him. Your body is your temple of worship.

The words written in your heart are from the Holy Spirit of God.

Your greatest witness for Jesus is the fruit you give to other people.

Kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, longsuffering, joy, peace, goodness, self-control, and love are the fruits that show Him you are His disciple.

You can’t sway people into thinking like you. God has a special relationship with every one of His children.

Just like someone couldn’t sway you into truly accepting Jesus with your heart, you can’t do it either.

But, once He lives within you, He will start molding you to do His work.

He is the Potter and you are the clay.

The moment you believe in Jesus the closer you are to being centered on the wheel. He starts working in you to mold you in the wonderful purpose He has for your life in Christ.

He pulls you toward differeing things. He calls you to reach people.

You are His vessel to help as many people as He can.

You’re not conformed to the world anymore, but transformed by the renewing of your mind.

You are free, and know the truth.

Jesus believes in you. 

Do not believe the lie that you can’t do what God calls you to do.

In Christ, you can.

God bless you!

Please share in the comments one way Jesus has changed your heart.