He is the Son of God, who came to earth as a sinless sacrifice. He took away the sin of the world by laying down his life for everyone. He was crucified, died, and was resurrected on the third day. Through Him, we have salvation and everlasting life.
Do you remember the first time you heard the good news of Jesus Christ?
Who is the one who told you about Him?
Maybe your first time hearing it is one minute ago when you read the first paragraph of this post.
Or, perhaps it’s been years, and you can barely recall. Either way, I’m so grateful to God that your heart is open.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be savedJohn 3:16-17
Those verses are so powerful that just reading them makes me get chills. When I get chills, I feel the Holy Spirit working in my heart … and I immediately start crying.
Not just a delicate tear trickling down my face, but a full-on messy, sobbing kinda cry.
Then it’s followed by laughter because God is probably like, Oh geez, here she goes!
My seven-year-old son hears me and says, “Mama, are you crying again? It’s ok, mama,” as he gives me a big hug. Of course, then we laugh together.
God bless his heart.
John 3:16 is probably one of the most quoted verses in all of the scripture. Jesus Himself tells us the good news in this verse.
Maybe you don’t remember all the details of when you first heard the gospel of Jesus Christ, but there’s a time in your life when it just stuck with you.
For some reason, you were impacted by it.
The words cut through to your heart and sparked something different inside of you.
You heard stories from the Bible quoted before, but it’s like you were really listening for the first time in your life.
Something spoke to your heart.
Right then and there, you were a different person.
You were finally made aware of a secret you unknowingly searched for your entire life.
Excitement, fear, grief, sadness fought for you right at that moment.
You couldn’t explain what happened to you, but something transformed, and you would never be the same.
No matter where you are in your faith journey with Jesus, you are forever changed once you have the gospel. Even when you try to escape it.
There was a darkness inside you at one point that was suddenly brightened.
You have a light that will always shine.
Knowing the gospel is a gift. Living the gospel is how you share your gift with those who need it, just like the person who shared it with you.
Whatever your darkness looked like, the world loved it.
The world wanted that darkness to last for as long as possible.
It still wants your darkness, that’s why sometimes you feel confused, or like you’re the rope in a tug of war.
Darkness hates the light because the light conquers it.
Once you know the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ, He comes into your life, and His light is yours.
The truth will never depart from you. It’s inside you, even when you think you’re too broken to be blessed by it anymore. Jesus dwells with you from the moment you accept Him as your personal Savior.
Jesus’s light shines through you…
There is no hiding the truth. When you reveal the truth of Jesus Christ, it’s like putting a flame to a candle in a dark room. It brightens everything in the room, including the one lighting the candle.
Things are visible that once weren’t.
You know the truth about Jesus Christ.
During this holiday season, remember the truth that was shared with you.
Be the light of the world, just like Jesus says you are.
Your light brightens in ways you don’t expect. Kindness toward a stranger … forgiveness toward an enemy … trusting the Lord during a difficult time … these are the ways to share the light that Jesus put inside you.
You have the most incredible gift right inside of you to share with the world.
Your light can change the life of someone you love, or even someone you’ve never met.
You don’t have to check all the boxes you think to be a “good Christian.” You know Jesus, and He lives in you.
He chose you because of who you are, not because of what you do.
Step aside and let Him shine.
Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize?Run in such a way that you may obtain it
How can we trust God when He has the power to change everything … and He doesn’t?
When life-changing things occur in our lives, our faith is shaken to its core.
If you’ve faced a terrible situation, you never thought or hoped it would happen to you. It’s almost worse if you have a strong faith because it’s just so easy to blame God.
He has control, so why didn’t He intervene?
Now, some events are especially heartbreaking. Those ones you read about and say, Oh my gosh, I don’t know what I would do if that happened. That’s horrible!
If you’ve experienced one of those, you know what it’s like to travel down a hole of despair and not see daylight for weeks, maybe months. A pit in your stomach filled with guilt and anger, with no cure except occasional blame. Yourself, God, the mailman for waking you up by knocking on your door … it doesn’t matter.
You blame the world.
And you hate it.
And you’re afraid of it.
On the contrary, when a great event happens, we do this weird thing to ourselves, trying not to get too happy about it.
Imposter syndrome.
Have you heard the term?
Yep, you feel like you’re a stand-in or a fake.
It shouldn’t be yougetting the blessings, and it’s just a matter of time before it all falls apart.
Conversely, when good things happen, you may dodge imposter syndrome by being grateful.
Gratitude is great, but sometimes when everything has worked out, you stop doing what you did leading up to them working out.
For example, you prayed every morning and built a relationship with God while going through something challenging. All that praying helped you talk to Him and listen to His direction.
When He works in your life, and you experience an answered prayer, you stop talking. It’s so easy to get lost in the good stuff, too, because we want to savor it. But we often forget about God.
Do you see how you are tested in both good and bad situations?
Faith takes commitment, but not the way YOU think.
It takes submission to God.
Trust what God tells you, but also His control in your life. Even when you think He isn’t listening.
Your commitment doesn’t mean doing everything you can to make changes yourself.
It means doing everything you can to surrender to God.
You don’t have the strength to handle some things. That’s why He is your Rock.
There’s a verse I want to share with you and look at differently.
“No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it” 1 Corinthians 10:13
Think about that word temptation.
Immediately you think of being curious to do something bad, right?
Well, let’s face it, we make mistakes and want bad things sometimes as human beings.
But temptation means pulling you away from God. Usually, it’s associated with seeking the world instead of Him.
When we turn to ourselves for answers, isn’t that pulling away from God, too?
No matter how torn apart you feel, God is always there for you.
In your weakest moment, His strength can overcome.
Don’t be tempted to run from Him because you’re hurt or mad at Him. Run towards Him with it.
He is faithful and will NOT let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.
He knows you’re hurting, and He hears your cry.
God says He will make a way of escape so you can handle it.
When your faith is tested, He is faithful toward you. He will give you what you need to handle whatever is happening in your life.
Whether it’s a great blessing or pure anguish, He equips you.
So how do we trust God with the hard stuff that happens?
Submit in faith to Him.
He knows what you need. He’s the only One who truly understands your heart.
Don’t stop spending time with Him. Just pray to accept His will for your life.
That’s exactly what Jesus did. Jesus’ relationship with God, His Father, is an example for us.
Trust God. Keep your faith. Submit to Him. And don’t stop praying.
If you are going through something today and God has helped you, please share it in the comments. I am personally encouraged by your testimony, and so are many others. We’re in this together.
Sometimes your heart simply needs to be held up. Or maybe you need a little push to be courageous.
As a nurse, I’ve witnessed people go through things they never thought could happen to them.
One moment they’re spending time with family, the next moment, they are in a hospital bed fighting for their life.
When there is so much uncertainty in the world, it’s hard to know what to hang onto.
If you’re going through a difficult time right now, I want you to know that you’re not alone.
You will get through this time in your life, especially when you reach for God to help you. Your loved ones can give you numerous ways of support, which is a blessing in itself.
But sometimes, you need something really personal to connect with to strengthen you when you’re alone with your own thoughts.
Maybe you’re fighting a disease or struggling with crippling anxiety.
Perhaps you’re broken in ways you don’t share with anyone.
Or, harboring grief that no one knows about.
Scripture is your anchor in those times.
It pulls you toward God and helps you to rely on Him. It’s the truth that reels you back when you’re lost in the emotions that life stirs up.
I’ve gone through it too, and there’s a verse that’s connected with me despite my struggles. It’s so ingrained in my heart that I probably couldn’t forget it if I tried.
That verse alone secures me. It reminds me in times of utter fear, it’s ok to trust God.
When I first started working as a nurse, I was so afraid of making a mistake.
I didn’t want to do the wrong thing because, frankly, people’s lives depended on it.
I didn’t know how to overcome the sense of overwhelming worry before setting foot in that hospital.
So I prayed.
For some reason, that verse would pop right into my heart.
“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. That the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3: 16-17
What verse do you carry with you?
If you don’t have one you can think of it’s ok, but it will help you in your life. I know it seems impossible to remember verses and chapters like pastors do, but you don’t have to do that.
Just one is a good start. Remember, you also have a Helper in the Holy Spirit.
Lusts of the world will attack every part of you in every way possible.
Lies, hate, and all the grime in between are what we face in a world that only loves itself.
When you’re thrust into turbulent waters, you struggle to stay afloat. You’re thrashed with powerful waves that seize and try to take you away.
You need an anchor to keep you standing firm.
Scripture is your anchor to keep you rooted in God.
It’s so easy to get lost in the massive waves filled with confusion, but just one verse will keep you focused on what He tells you. It won’t leave you.
So how do you choose a verse?
I’m confident that once you open the Bible and start reading, there is something that will connect with your spirit. God knows your heart and what you need to hear. When you come across a verse that speaks to you, it’s like He guided you right where you needed to go.
He’s kind of amazing like that.
I can’t tell you what will ignite your spirit, but I can surely encourage you to seek Him and spend time in His Word. You will not be disappointed. God’s word will pull you toward Himself.
His scripture will anchor you no matter what you are going through.
If you have a verse that has guided you in your life, please share it in the comments. I’d love to hear your story about it!
When the world is at a standstill, it makes you pay attention, but you can count on God through it. We’re forced to reflect because our lives are totally rearranged. The recent pandemic has forced you to be intentional in ways you never thought you would.
Remembering to cover your face getting out of the car or being mindful of how far you are from someone when talking (beware of close-talkers).
Our current situation is unlike any we’ve experienced. It’s an interesting twist that we are sharing this experience across the world.
We’re all connected.
Everyone is feeling the internal struggle with fear, including me.
I think I have it together and start to get a routine down, but then another report on the news shakes it up again. It stirs my worry in a very different way. Tuning it out works for about 3 seconds because there’s no escaping it.
Though our situation is different than anything we’ve experienced in our generation, anxiety, fear, and worry aren’t new. I’m sure in a difficult time in your life, you’ve had to battle these culprits.
Does it help that other people are going through it too?
Sure it does, at least a little.
When you feel anxious now and can’t describe it, you are no longer stigmatized. People have empathy because they are dealing with it too.
Again, we’re connected to each other.
Now that we all have an idea of struggling with anxiety and fear, I hope the stigma over mental health is better acknowledged. Some people have been imprisoned in their minds long before this.
When we go back to “normal,” I hope you don’t forget that connection.
But, I don’t think normal is a good word to describe it, maybe just comfortable. Before the pandemic, the world wasn’t always a glorious place. But now, things are different for everyone, even our children.
Coping with it is really hard.
So how do we get through it?
Trust God and Jesus because we can count on them.
They’ll guide you through anything you’re facing, especially fear. It may be hard to see … or believe … but it’s true.
If you want to know how God always keeps His promises, there are endless examples.
One is His commitment to Abraham. He told him He would make him a “father of many nations” (Genesis 17:4, NKJV). Abraham had a bond with God, and no matter how many times he sinned, God kept His word.
Abraham was not perfect, but he had great faith. He was ready to sacrifice his only Son to the Lord, but God made a promise to him instead.
From the moment he had his own son bound, ready to sacrifice as a burnt offering, God blessed him immensely.
“By Myself I have sworn, says the Lord, because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only son—blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies” (Genesis 22:17).
Not only is every tribe of Israel from Abraham’s bloodline, but the greatest King of all Kings.
Jesus Christ.
There is no more incredible blessing than Jesus.
2. His word is without error
Passed down through thousands of years, the Bible is probably the most scrutinized source of literature.
Thousands of years, multiple people writing it, and not one word contradicts the other. God’s plan to distribute His Word is without flaw.
From the first book to the last book, God’s character and instruction are consistent throughout the text. There is no contradiction. You can feel the Holy Spirit when you read God’s word.
Jesus Christ is the living Word of God, and His life is what brings power to the scripture.
3. He forgives you
Once you confess your sins through Jesus Christ, they are forgiven.
That’s it.
Jesus Christ is the only One who can intercede on your behalf. When He died and rose again, He defeated the death that sin causes to your spirit.
When you sin, it separates you from God. Because Christ took ALL YOUR SIN past, present, and future upon Himself and overcame it, you are alive in Him.
It’s hard for us to grasp when we are feeling really accountable because we carry our sins with us. We keep reminding ourselves of those horrible things we’ve done.
I believe the intention behind the reminder is to stay humble, but that’s not what God says about it. Once you ask forgiveness, it’s done.
Guilt and doubt in ourselves don’t come from God. It’s from us.
God accepts Jesus on our behalf.
“And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17).
You pray for forgiveness through Jesus, He forgives you.
4. He’s true to His Word
Jesus is the living word of God.
God is true to His word and His Son.
When He makes a promise, He sees it through.
The best example is the prophecy of Jesus Christ.
The truth about Jesus’ life was foretold hundreds of years before He came to earth.
“Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14).
And another amazing passage about Jesus …
“For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).
5. He comforts you
God is merciful and compassionate. I could give you endless examples of comfort He and Jesus provide.
But the one that makes the biggest impact is in your life.
When has Jesus comforted you?
At your lowest times in life, when you feel completely alone, that’s when He is there.
He holds your heart in His hands to protect it and provide you love and compassion. There is no greater comfort than knowing He loves you so much He took all of your mistakes upon Himself, so you could be free from them.
Everything that separates you from God was put on His shoulders.
He chose to do that for you. Because He loves you. He wants you to live a full life in Him. He wants you to be reconciled to God and have eternal rest in Him.
He’s the Prince of Peace.
6. He is faithful and controls temptation in your life
He knows you will not be able to withstand temptation for too long. You can count on God showing up
What temptation do you ask?
The temptation to go your own way without Him. Anything that makes you want to go against God’s plan for you is a temptation to sin. I know that’s a very broad spectrum. But it’s just true.
The most comfortable time to want to go your own way is when things are going well for you.
Think about that. If you have many talents and abilities to be “successful” in life, when do you need God?
You are at an advantage if you’re facing struggles because trials keep you humble. It doesn’t mean that success doesn’t, but it’s much easier to forget the many blessings God has provided for you when you have accomplished many things.
Please don’t take that as a knock on doing well with what you have. God wants you to do well, but with Him not on your own. He knows at some point you won’t be able to resist doing things yourself, so He’s faithful to you and gives you a way out.
“No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it” (1 Corinthians 10:13).
Reflect on this verse because it sums up God’s sacrifice for you.
His only Son was well-pleasing to Him. He knew there was no one righteous enough to fulfill His plan for salvation. Jesus knew it too. Together they gave the ultimate sacrifice so you could be saved. I don’t know if anyone has ever made sacrifices for you, but if they have, I’m sure your trust in them grew exponentially.
Think of who you would choose to save over yourself.
Your child … spouse … sibling … And why would you do that?
Because you love them, you want to protect them, and you want to make sure they have a wonderful life. You can count on God, who did that for you through His Son Jesus.
8. He prepared a place for us
Jesus was honest about His purpose and God’s plan.
“In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you” (John 14:2).
He’s talking about heaven and our place after death. He told us what to expect.
No surprises.
But His disciples were just as distraught about it as we are. They asked the questions in which we also need answers. They worried about how they would know where He was. Jesus assured He will come and receive us, so we know the way. Jesus speaks through His Father’s authority. They dwell together.
He is “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6).
9. He gave you a Helper
Do you hear a little voice inside you trying to guide you?
Do you get chills when you are reading the Bible or saying a prayer?
This Helper wades through the lies in your life to show you the truth.
The more time you spend learning God’s word, the more the Helper can work in your life. You are set apart from the world when you receive Jesus, and the Helper guides you toward the life in Him.
Please comment below about a time you had to count on God … even if you struggled with it. We all have a tough time getting out of His way. It gives others hope when we talk about it.
What if success means surrendering everything you have to focus on Jesus?
Surrender, a word that is despised by the human race. It conveys weakness and vulnerability. Surrender means to submit. But, if you want to succeed, you have to be tough and fight through it. That’s the world’s approach to things.
In a world full of instant gratification, how can you stop looking for quick solutions?
We are taught to work hard, seek the problem, find the answer, and move forward. From a young age, we are told to be responsible, so we can grow up to be successful.
Jesus teaches something very different.
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is God incarnate. This means He has the power of God in His hands, but yet He used those hands to wash the feet of His friends. He was humble, kind, and simply obeyed everything His Father asked of Him. Even to death. He never ceased to pray with people, teach them, and support them.
His ministry was completely different than what the church leaders of His time were doing. And even some church leaders of today.
Jesus chose a tax collector, fishermen, and women to be His partners in ministry. He didn’t choose the church leaders who thought highly of themselves but had no idea about the Word of God.
Even as I write this, I get teared up because the ultimate power of Jesus is simply overwhelming. His comfort is gentle, yet His strength is unmatched. He holds your heart as you weep, but He also equips you with a powerful sword.
His life of service is the model He wants us to follow. His love was completely sacrificial, putting everyone else’s needs above His own. He surrendered every moment to His Father’s will. He endured temptation, heartache, and anger just as we do in our flesh, yet He did not sin.
Here are 5 ways you can focus on Jesus every day
1. Stop
You race to a finish line you’ll never achieve in this world. Just stop. Sometimes, the race doesn’t look the way you think. It’s not always I’m too busy, or I don’t have time for that. It can be a race that only you struggle within your own head.
Thoughts like I’m not good enough, I’m not worthy of this, or I can’t do this. Debilitating thoughts that paralyze your heart are not from Jesus. I know the battle with them, and Jesus does too. One moment is all it takes—one moment where you’re asking Jesus to help you.
2. Pray
Praying is spending time with Jesus. Through the Holy Spirit, you feel something working inside of you the moment you sit down and start to pray … with your heart. You may cry, feel goosebumps, or be overwhelmed by His peace. Your relationship is built in these moments.
But prayer isn’t just for you to talk to Him. It’s for you to listen when He speaks to you. As a result, you mature in your faith. The more time you spend, the more you grow. It’s not really a destination but a journey.
3. Listen
Your prayer time is sacred because it builds your relationship with Jesus. In that time of you letting out your worries, fears, and humble requests, also try to take a moment to listen to Him. I know you’re probably thinking, What?! Is Jesus really going to talk to me? Yep. But maybe not in ways you expect. He may subtly speak to your heart, and you know it’s Him. Or, He may put something in your face so big that you know it’s Him without a doubt. It’s not just about listening for His voice in your life, but also that nudge from the Holy Spirit guiding you down a certain path.
4. Read
If you want the truth, you gotta go right to the source. You’re not going to get the same kind of understanding by learning from someone else. Your pastor or even your Christian friends are most likely blessed by the Lord in their ministry. God uses people to shepherd His flock.
But there is no substitute for your time reading God’s word. When you read, there is something God wants you to learn at that moment. He has a purpose for you individually. You gain understanding in a totally different way. When you learn about Jesus’ character, it helps you recognize what He’s doing in your life. You know it’s Him because you know how He works from reading about Him. It helps you focus on what Jesus has done in the lives of people when He was here. Which also helps you recognize similar events in your own life.
God’s word is inerrant, meaning it’s without error, and it will teach you about what you see in the world. The current events happening are not new. Throughout the old testament and new testament, you will see themes that you can directly apply today. And to your own life.
5. Serve
When is the last time you helped someone just because?
Tomorrow, maybe pay for the person behind you in the drive-thru line or help put groceries in the car of an elderly person. Just because we are in a time of social distancing doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of opportunities to serve. Everything Jesus did was in service, to His Father and for us.
Jesus said, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.” John 13:34.
Serving one another is loving each other in the way Jesus loved us. Keeping the focus on Jesus and not the ways of the world help us to stay connected in faith. Take today to give one person something in the spirit of service. If you buy a coffee, get one for a co-worker. If you really want to ramp it up, get one for the co-worker that bothers you, or isn’t the nicest person. That’ll make them wonder if you’re really nice, or just a goofball. Either way, it will make them smile, even if it’s for a split second.
I hope this helps you focus on Jesus. I know it’s easy to get caught up in everything going on in your life right now. Especially when there are so many uncertainties. But isn’t that the best reason to spend some time with the One who can actually make a difference?
Please sharethis post with one person you think can benefit from it.
Feel free tocommenton ways you’ve served other people in good faith or ideas you can share about how to take care of each other while socially distancing.
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