“Cast your burden on the Lord, And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.”

Psalms 55:22, NKJV

What is burdening you in your life?

A burden is a heavy load. It can keep you from having peace because it weighs you down.

Most times when we think of our responsibilities in life it’s not defined as a burden because they often are blessings. Family, school, job, house, car, church, friends, and the list continues. You do many different things and function in many different roles in your life. At some point, all of those roles get intertwined and you’re pulled in many directions.

You are needed by people you care about so of course, you respond. “Yes Patty I can help you prep for the shower” or “of course I can talk right now, what’s going on?” (when you are literally pulling straws out of your kid’s nose while the macaroni is boiling over the stove onto the floor that your dog is licking up.) You’re busy and that’s most likely not changing any time soon. 

But when does responsibility turn into burden?

Think about the reason you have so many roles. You work hard, you care about people, and you try to be a reliable support to those who need help. This may vary according to your specific personality or lifestyle, but for the most part, it’s why you choose to commit your time to many things/people. Sometimes, because you’re human and can’t do everything by yourself, you get burned out.

If no one has ever told you….. it’s ok not to be Superwoman (or man). Sometimes you will make mistakes and not follow through with everything.

When responsibility turns into burden is when it becomes an unrealistic and unattainable expectation. It becomes a task and no longer a blessing. Your entire day is filled with things to do and you don’t get a chance to breathe. Juggling too many balls leads to one falling down at an unexpected moment, which causes all of them to fall.

The burdens that most people don’t see in your life, God sees.

Your mind wrought with a heavy choice to make, or your heart hurting with grief. The things that make you not want to get out of bed because you can’t face another moment with the load you’re carrying… that’s what He is interested in. He knows your heart and wants you to lean on Him for support.

He can carry the extra weight of anything that is troubling you. He will bear it, you just have to give it up. That’s really the hardest part. The faith of letting it go for Him to handle. You have absolutely no idea how He may already be working in your life regarding the very thing that has you trapped. He has a way of surprising you in the solution. Deciding that you don’t have, nor want, control and letting it go to Him is a great act of faith. He will sustain you and guide you.

He wants you to be the person He created you to be.

All those roles you have in your life are blessings to you and to those people you impact every day. If you aren’t filled with vigor and love, then it’s going to be pretty hard to deliver the fruits of your spirit like gentleness, kindness, and joy. He will lead you but you have to put your faith in Him. Talk to Him about it, spend some time with Him, and let Him know what’s burdening you today. You will be surprised at the response you see in your life.

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burden you Kelly Jo Wilson

What are your struggling with today?

There are moments when we just don’t have it all together. Some of of them are short-lived and we move forward. But some cause us to be stuck. What is causing you to be stuck? Feel free to comment below