Why is Christmas different through a child’s eyes?
Christmas is a time to focus on what’s most important in life. We celebrate because Jesus came to earth, fully God and fully Man. Often, all the details surrounding this event are made so very complicated, but through a child’s eyes it’s very simple.
Children get so very excited during Christmas time. They thrive in the wonder, magic, and fun during the season. Children can teach us a very important lesson by the way they view life.
Matthew 19:14 says “But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven
Children hold the purity of life and understanding in their little hands. They are honest, raw, and straightforward. All of us are born into our sin, but children do not have the learned characteristics that come from a life of making sinful mistakes.
The stressful times of a child do not hinder their good nature. They can believe without seeing. They can trust what their parents tell them. They sometimes do not heed parental instruction and need correction. Emotions to them are like a roller coaster until it’s their time to get off, then they just play more.
Kids can remember even the most obscure moments, and it can stay with them forever.
- Simple
- Kind
- Messy
- Loud
- Excited
- Gifted
- Quiet
- Shy
- Nervous
- Silly
- Honest
- Thoughtful
Children have such an ease for faith. Just to name a few ways of a child. Children feel, believe, accept, and remember. As they grow, they lose that sense of purity, experiencing influence from the world.
This time last year I was watching a movie about the birth of Jesus with my five-year-old son (who’s now 6). He knows about Jesus. I talk to my son about God and Jesus in a really simple way. He sees me pray alone and as a family with him and my husband. He is always free to ask questions about anything, especially learning about Jesus.
As a parent I always wonder if I’m doing a good job with my son.
I want him to be happy, healthy, and safe. I hope he understands the endless possibilities in his life and to never give up trying for something he really believes in. I want him to be kind and chase his dreams. I’m sure you have a similar goal for your children.
As a Christian parent, I wonder how I can help him to understand God, Jesus, and the Bible. I wonder about what he’s retaining in his mind and where it will take him in his future… During the movie about Jesus we were having short discussions during commercials. We were talking about King Herod.
” Is he the bad guy mama?”
“Well, he’s the king. He’s trying to tell everyone what to do. But there’s only one true King buddy, do you know who that is?”
“Jesus!” he exclaimed. He also sat quietly (most of the time) to watch the movie about Jesus, eager to see what was happening.
His attention span is about 10 seconds unless it’s Spider-man or superheroes, but there he was watching the story of the birth of Jesus. That moment is when I realized the simple connection of what Jesus was talking about with little children.
You were that child once.
We are all children of the Lord. We have experienced the simplicity and purity of being a child. We have all veered off the path of righteousness to follow our own way. Everyone once had the wholesomeness of a child. Some things we learn in life drift us away from the childlike innocence.
Do you believe it’s still inside you?
The Christmas season is filled with love, truth, and new life. It’s the establishment of Jesus’s purpose and the glory of God. Do you celebrate blessings and think of Christmas as a time for joy? Many people do, and feel even more grateful around this time of year. Others don’t have the same reaction. Some people are lonely, hungry, or mourning. They aren’t filled with joy because it’s just another time of year to highlight what they’re missing. In this world, comparison and expectations will eat you up inside. It’s so important to remember that you don’t have to be alone on your journey; you have every chance to let Jesus walk with you in it. Just ask Him.
Jesus doesn’t send you away when you go to Him.
Think of someone you looked up to as a child. Whether it was your parents, your big brother, or even a superhero, try to remember how it made you feel to be around them (or watch them). You wanted to be just like them, copying every move or tagging along when you weren’t invited. Their words had so much weight in your mind. As a result, you would do whatever they told you, completely trusting they would look out for you. You simply believed in them. It didn’t take much convincing and you didn’t have to analyze every part of it. You just believed.
That same heart is still inside of you.
Though, belief is often obstructed by pain. If you’ve been rejected, especially by someone you’ve looked up to, it started the building of a wall of protection. Throughout your life that wall has been crafted by every lie, heartbreak, and sorrow you’ve ever experienced. You don’t want to ever feel that way again, so you guard your heart.
Jesus is the only One who can break through that wall and renew your spirit again. He loved you before you were even born. He knows the troubles you’ve been through. He wants to know you just as you are, with all your broken pieces, so He can help you find that innocence deep within. He will not reject you.
He says “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me” -John 14:1
Just as you trusted as a child you can trust in Him. Try to find the part of you that isn’t afraid to take a chance. You will never be let down taking a chance on Him. He gives love, conviction, and correction just like a parent to their child. You may not get what you want, but He will give you what you need.
When you celebrate Christmas, I hope you have peace.
Peace of knowing that Jesus accepts you with the same warmth and love given to a child. I hope you can find the child inside yourself and enjoy the love that surrounds you in this season. If you are struggling, I pray that you find the hope you once had. You are not alone in your struggle, no matter how isolated you may feel. Reach out, I’ll listen.