3 Verses That Help You Get to the Root of the Truth
Your life is filled with choices everyday. Putting your heart into those choices, no matter what they are, takes a certain level of desire. Your heart guides where you put your time. If you peel away at all the different choices you’ve made in one day you may find an interesting desire.
Things you’ve chosen to say, to eat, or to do can reveal something to you about yourself. Most likely you’re just too busy to ever think about the simple things you’ve done the day before, but I encourage you to take a minute right now. Think of the answers to these questions.
- What is your desire?
- What is the most important thing to you right now?
- Is it difficult for you to trust God?
There is no right answer here just a chance to be honest with yourself. Take the time to be real about what choices you make. Dig deep to find the desire behind them.
If you feel ashamed or guilty about choices in your life you are not alone. Reflecting on choices is difficult sometimes… because you just don’t want to hurt about it. Everyone has a story and there is no one without fault.
Everyone needs saving
I encourage you to step out of yourself now and think about God. Is He working in your life? Are you talking to Him? I don’t mean the prayers that you could say half asleep because you’ve said them so many times … I mean really talking to Him. Telling Him your fear, your hurt, or your happiness.
You have the choice to accept that God is real and Jesus is your savior, or not.
That is your power and your freedom. What’s inside of you is extremely special. You were given a gift, regardless of whether you believe or not. It’s there.
There will be a moment in your life when you are faced with a choice that can change your path forever.
It may be subtle or so blatant you can’t ignore it. In that moment it will be your choice to make the next step. Only yours. Your gut will shake to let you know to pay attention. You will know the importance of the moment right away, even if you have no idea why.
What if I don’t understand God’s Word?
You may never ask that question out loud, but it may be a real thought as you go through your life. Maybe you’ve heard about God and see people praying, but don’t really know how to apply it to your life.
The first chapter of John explains so much about the origin of God’s Word. We’ll focus on 3 verses from the gospel of John chapter 1. I’m no expert, I’m a person who is learning along with you. This is not comprehensive by any means. It’s a short version to help with understanding the beginning of God’s Word and what that means.
1. The beginning
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1, NKJV)
Scientists and scholars have been trying to narrow the beginning of creation down for thousands of years. Many theories circulate and the science is astounding. There is no reason why science has to be against God. Science and God work together to show the magnificent truth of creation. Believing in God doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate the science also. One of the most amazing creations is the human body alone. The science and biology of the systems working together is absolutely remarkable. It helps to reveal the wonder of God’s design.
The Word of God is Jesus Christ.
He was with God in the beginning, of all creation. His Word was spoken into life and that life is Jesus Christ. God is the creator of everything, from the beginning (Gen 1 and 2).
God said “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth” (Gen 1: 26). He was talking to Jesus.
God made us in the image of Himself and His Son. He gave us the likeness of Him. That separates us from everything else He created. He provided for us all that we would ever need, right from the very beginning. He gave us power and breathed life into us from the very dust of the ground.
When you look in the mirror you can know that you were created right from the image of God. Your body and your soul.
2. God is everlasting
God is eternal. It’s so hard to actually comprehend because we are not made that way. We are finite. We live and we die. He is always alive, all around us, and has absolute control.
His Word was in the beginning with Him. His Word became flesh and is Jesus Christ. God’s Word became a living being that has changed the world forever.
You were made through Jesus Christ and through Him you are saved. That is as simple as it gets. The beginning of life and the truth of your existence. The simplicity is more difficult to grasp than the concept itself. Jesus has been a part of you before you were born. You were formed in the very image of Him. You were blessed and provided an extremely special purpose in Him. He came to this world to save you and now is with the Father in Heaven.
Like I said before, you have the choice to believe it. That is what is written in His Word and I’m sharing with you because your life is important. Understanding God can help you understand yourself.
You are worth it.
3. He is the Light
“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it” (John 1:4-5).
Jesus is life and light.
Put your hand on your chest and feel yourself breathing. Go outside and feel the sunshine on your face or the rain soak your hair. Hold your child tight. This is life. Jesus is part of all of it. In Him every living thing was created. Without Him none of it exists.
Have you ever lit a candle in the middle of a dark room?
One little tealight candle can bring so much light that you find your way around everything. The light covers the darkness in a way that the darkness cannot overpower it. Darkness has no defense against the light. As soon as that light shines it’s instantly more powerful than the dark. Jesus is the Light who “gives light to every man coming into the world” (John 1:9).
Jesus shines in a darkened world so bright that the world cannot comprehend Him. A world that doesn’t know Him cannot have a defense against His Light. A world that was made through Him did not know Him (John 1:10).
You have a light inside of you.
Your light is ready to shine in the midst of all the darkness you experience. You have a choice to let that light shine or keep it in the dark. Your choice is to believe that Jesus will make your light brighter than the darkness in your room.
Stepping outside your comfort zone and really believing what these verses say may be difficult. Faith isn’t easy. We don’t always get answers to our many questions, at least not the way we expect.
Spending this time reading His Word is a great start to develop a relationship with Him. The more you read,the more you understand. God’s word is living, and can impact you in different moments of your life with just one verse.
When you go into this new year making choices think about where you want your desire to be. You will never go wrong wanting to know more about Jesus. In searching for truth you will find it.