When the world is at a standstill, it makes you pay attention, but you can count on God through it. We’re forced to reflect because our lives are totally rearranged. The recent pandemic has forced you to be intentional in ways you never thought you would.

Remembering to cover your face getting out of the car or being mindful of how far you are from someone when talking (beware of close-talkers).

Our current situation is unlike any we’ve experienced. It’s an interesting twist that we are sharing this experience across the world.

We’re all connected.

Everyone is feeling the internal struggle with fear, including me.

I think I have it together and start to get a routine down, but then another report on the news shakes it up again. It stirs my worry in a very different way. Tuning it out works for about 3 seconds because there’s no escaping it.

Though our situation is different than anything we’ve experienced in our generation, anxiety, fear, and worry aren’t new. I’m sure in a difficult time in your life, you’ve had to battle these culprits.

Does it help that other people are going through it too?

Sure it does, at least a little.

When you feel anxious now and can’t describe it, you are no longer stigmatized. People have empathy because they are dealing with it too.

Again, we’re connected to each other.  

Now that we all have an idea of struggling with anxiety and fear, I hope the stigma over mental health is better acknowledged.  Some people have been imprisoned in their minds long before this.

When we go back to “normal,” I hope you don’t forget that connection.

But, I don’t think normal is a good word to describe it, maybe just comfortable. Before the pandemic, the world wasn’t always a glorious place. But now, things are different for everyone, even our children.

Coping with it is really hard.

So how do we get through it?

Trust God and Jesus because we can count on them.

They’ll guide you through anything you’re facing, especially fear. It may be hard to see … or believe … but it’s true.

Here are 9 reasons why you can count on God:

  1. He always keeps His promise
  2. His word is without error
  3. He forgives you
  4. He’s true to His word
  5. He comforts you
  6. He is faithful and controls temptation in your life
  7. He gave us Jesus
  8. He prepared a place for us
  9. He gave you a Helper

1. He always keeps His promise

If you want to know how God always keeps His promises, there are endless examples.

One is His commitment to Abraham. He told him He would make him a “father of many nations” (Genesis 17:4, NKJV). Abraham had a bond with God, and no matter how many times he sinned, God kept His word.

Abraham was not perfect, but he had great faith. He was ready to sacrifice his only Son to the Lord, but God made a promise to him instead.

From the moment he had his own son bound, ready to sacrifice as a burnt offering, God blessed him immensely.

“By Myself I have sworn, says the Lord, because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only son—blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies” (Genesis 22:17).

Not only is every tribe of Israel from Abraham’s bloodline, but the greatest King of all Kings.

Jesus Christ.

There is no more incredible blessing than Jesus.

2. His word is without error

Passed down through thousands of years, the Bible is probably the most scrutinized source of literature.

Thousands of years, multiple people writing it, and not one word contradicts the other. God’s plan to distribute His Word is without flaw.

From the first book to the last book, God’s character and instruction are consistent throughout the text. There is no contradiction. You can feel the Holy Spirit when you read God’s word.

Jesus Christ is the living Word of God, and His life is what brings power to the scripture.

silhouette image of person praying
Photo by Rodolfo Clix on Pexels.com

3. He forgives you

Once you confess your sins through Jesus Christ, they are forgiven.

That’s it.

Jesus Christ is the only One who can intercede on your behalf. When He died and rose again, He defeated the death that sin causes to your spirit.

When you sin, it separates you from God. Because Christ took ALL YOUR SIN past, present, and future upon Himself and overcame it, you are alive in Him.

It’s hard for us to grasp when we are feeling really accountable because we carry our sins with us. We keep reminding ourselves of those horrible things we’ve done.

I believe the intention behind the reminder is to stay humble, but that’s not what God says about it. Once you ask forgiveness, it’s done.

Guilt and doubt in ourselves don’t come from God. It’s from us.

God accepts Jesus on our behalf.

“And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17).

You pray for forgiveness through Jesus, He forgives you.

4. He’s true to His Word

Jesus is the living word of God.

God is true to His word and His Son.

When He makes a promise, He sees it through.

The best example is the prophecy of Jesus Christ.

The truth about Jesus’ life was foretold hundreds of years before He came to earth.

“Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14).

And another amazing passage about Jesus …

“For unto us a Child is born,

Unto us a Son is given;

And the government will be upon His shoulder.

And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,

Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).

5. He comforts you

God is merciful and compassionate. I could give you endless examples of comfort He and Jesus provide.

But the one that makes the biggest impact is in your life.

When has Jesus comforted you?

At your lowest times in life, when you feel completely alone, that’s when He is there.

He holds your heart in His hands to protect it and provide you love and compassion. There is no greater comfort than knowing He loves you so much He took all of your mistakes upon Himself, so you could be free from them.

Everything that separates you from God was put on His shoulders.

He chose to do that for you. Because He loves you. He wants you to live a full life in Him. He wants you to be reconciled to God and have eternal rest in Him.

He’s the Prince of Peace.

Kelly Jo Wilson choices

6. He is faithful and controls temptation in your life

He knows you will not be able to withstand temptation for too long. You can count on God showing up

What temptation do you ask?

The temptation to go your own way without Him. Anything that makes you want to go against God’s plan for you is a temptation to sin. I know that’s a very broad spectrum. But it’s just true.

The most comfortable time to want to go your own way is when things are going well for you.

Think about that. If you have many talents and abilities to be “successful” in life, when do you need God?

You are at an advantage if you’re facing struggles because trials keep you humble. It doesn’t mean that success doesn’t, but it’s much easier to forget the many blessings God has provided for you when you have accomplished many things.

Please don’t take that as a knock on doing well with what you have. God wants you to do well, but with Him not on your own. He knows at some point you won’t be able to resist doing things yourself, so He’s faithful to you and gives you a way out.

“No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it” (1 Corinthians 10:13).

7. He gave us Jesus

John 3:16 is one of the most famous verses in the Bible “For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”

Reflect on this verse because it sums up God’s sacrifice for you.

His only Son was well-pleasing to Him. He knew there was no one righteous enough to fulfill His plan for salvation. Jesus knew it too. Together they gave the ultimate sacrifice so you could be saved. I don’t know if anyone has ever made sacrifices for you, but if they have, I’m sure your trust in them grew exponentially.

Think of who you would choose to save over yourself.

Your child … spouse … sibling … And why would you do that?

Because you love them, you want to protect them, and you want to make sure they have a wonderful life. You can count on God, who did that for you through His Son Jesus.

8. He prepared a place for us

Jesus was honest about His purpose and God’s plan.

“In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you” (John 14:2).

He’s talking about heaven and our place after death. He told us what to expect.

No surprises.

But His disciples were just as distraught about it as we are. They asked the questions in which we also need answers. They worried about how they would know where He was.  Jesus assured He will come and receive us, so we know the way. Jesus speaks through His Father’s authority. They dwell together.

He is “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6).

9. He gave you a Helper

Do you hear a little voice inside you trying to guide you?

Do you get chills when you are reading the Bible or saying a prayer?

That’s your Helper, the Holy Spirit. It’s a gift for you once you receive Jesus as your Savior.

The Helper lives inside you and with you.

This Helper wades through the lies in your life to show you the truth.

The more time you spend learning God’s word, the more the Helper can work in your life. You are set apart from the world when you receive Jesus, and the Helper guides you toward the life in Him.

You are not alone.

You can count on God and take comfort in Jesus.

“I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you” John 14:18

spirit truth helper Kelly Jo Wilson
Photo by lalesh aldarwish on Pexels.com

Please comment below about a time you had to count on God … even if you struggled with it. We all have a tough time getting out of His way. It gives others hope when we talk about it.

God bless you!