“Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You”‘ Psalms 56:3
How to overcome fear in the middle of crisis?
We are experiencing a global pandemic. This event is showing the world its own vulnerability. We aren’t invincible. Everything you care about can change in an instant. Yesterday you were worried about having enough time to get to work. Today you don’t have a job because your workplace is not considered an “essential” business.
An invisible virus has impacted everyone. It silently travels and spreads from person to person, no discrimination whatsoever. Cunning and calculated, attacking in just the right conditions. But sometimes it doesn’t, then travels onward. No rhyme or reason, which overwhelms you with fear.
Your thoughts are stuttering. Your hands are clammy. Constant worry is scrambling in your mind. You weren’t expecting it… Your heart starts racing. I’m crazy, but am I? What if I can’t handle this? I have no control. I’m not strong enough. What about my family? How am I going to protect them? Too many questions and not enough answers.
Does that sound familiar to you?
Any time in your life that you feel this way, it brings your world to a screeching halt. It doesn’t necessarily take a pandemic, sometimes it doesn’t take anything. The clever ways of anxiety don’t need a catalyst. It’s an enemy that silently attacks and makes you think it’s all your fault. Its root is fear and it conquers you.
The prince of the power of the air is the one who facilitates these enemies. Fear and anxiety lead to doubt because a spirit of fear is not from God. Any doubt placed in your mind is like a festering mold. It continues to grow slowly and infect.
Uncertainty keeps you broken. You’re in limbo, not understanding the promises God has made for you. It causes aimless wandering in your life, leading to desperate searching. Your vulnerability is a perfect situation for you to be attacked again … and again.
God is your protection
Jesus Christ defeated those enemies the moment He gave up His Spirit on the cross, died, and rose again. He fought your battle. He has already mastered your struggle right now with fear. Even He was tempted by Satan, who used scripture to try and make Jesus doubt God. It didn’t work because Jesus is the living Word of God. He is your Savior, who defeated sin and death.
Satan has no power over Him.
When you are covered with the blood of Jesus Christ by confessing He is the Son of God who paid your sin debt in full, Satan has no power over you either. These silent enemies have no weight in your life. You can overcome it in Jesus Christ. No matter what kind of fiery arrow is launched your way, the armor of God is your protection.
How do you overcome your fear?
- Trust in God
- Rely on Jesus
- Submit to God
- Let go of your fear
Each of these will guarantee strength. Just because they are simple answers doesn’t mean they are easy. You will have to fight yourself because you will want to take the path of least resistance. That’s where you are the most vulnerable. But when you do each of those things, it’s no longer your fight. You’ve given it up to God. And His power is insurmountable.
It doesn’t take away the merit of why you are afraid or diminish the reason to fear. Fear is real and so is the anxiety you feel.
But so is God.
His power surpasses all understanding. He has given us power through His Son Jesus Christ. Once you have Jesus within you, you no longer are fighting alone.
Your spirit and flesh battle each other constantly in this world. When you let go and let Jesus step in for you, He will do amazing things. You are not tagging in an equal. You are choosing a superior, One who has defeated what you are going through right now. Your power comes through Him.
Whenever you are afraid, His peace overcomes it.
He gives you comfort and joy even in the terrifying times of your life.
You have to trust Him.
You have to let go.
Stop trying to deal with everything on your own.
You don’t have the strength to battle without the armor of God.
You may find relief for a short time in medication, hobbies, or other substitutes that pass the time. But there is no replacement for Jesus. He is the prince of peace. He is the only One that defeated death and rose again, vanquishing the sin of the world and all that comes with it.
I pray you will find His peace in this difficult time. If you haven’t accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, I pray that you open the door when He knocks. He will not give up on you. You do not have to be afraid, He is always with you.