“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. We love Him because He first loved us.”
1 John 4:18-19 NKJV
Fear is a loud bark with no bite. The “what ifs” of the world create the worst fears in people, more than the “what is” could ever do. Anxiety, insecurity, and worry are all rooted in fear. If you’ve struggled with any of those you know that the worst place is in your own mind because you think of every possible scenario to fuel your fear. It gains momentum with every outrageous what if, and you feel more helpless.
What does anxiety look like?
“I am ok. I’m ok. I’m really ok. Today is good. It is. I know that it will all work out. But that one time it didn’t. That one time it really didn’t work and it hurt. It hurts. It’s not working. I’m not ok. Am I ok? I don’t think so. I know it’s going to go wrong just like the last time. Why would it work? Why wouldn’t it work? I can’t do this. I need out. I need to leave. How do I get out of here? I thought this was over. I can’t take it anymore. What will everyone think? I need to figure this out. I need to do better. I need to be better. Why can’t it just work? It can’t. It won’t. But I’m ok. I am ok. I’m really ok. But I’m not. I need out.”
What a tormenting thought process.
Continuously hyper-focused on everything that could happen and no security in the ability to handle anything that actually does happen. It’s an all-consuming fire sucking the oxygen out of the room. You can’t breathe, you panic, and you have no idea how it started. It just happens sometimes and you feel completely out of control. Other people don’t understand how you can just think certain things that are negative and binding to you’re very well-being, but they don’t have to live with the torment. They don’t know that you would do anything to stop it if you could.
I am a nurse and I will tell you there are plenty of medications that can help, and for many people they do. Although, it seems that the medications are a temporary fix for what’s really going on deep inside of you. Those deep dark places that involve fear, worry, anxiety, and insecurity are your most vulnerable parts of yourself. As a result, you rarely share your fight among them, and so you are left to battle alone.
But you are not alone
Jesus has already fought for you and will do so again. When you let go, and believe in Him, you are filled with His Holy Spirit. His Spirit searches your heart and reaches those dark places you don’t tell anyone about. He loves you so much He died for you, there is nothing you can do to earn that, it is because of God’s grace that He loves you. His love is perfect, without flaw. As you are right this moment, He loves you and wants you to let Him into your heart.
There is not one thing you’ve done that can keep you from the perfect love of God, and that is the absolute truth.
If you believe the lie that you’re not worth it, it’s time to stop and choose a different path. The perfect love from God casts out all your fears. The energy the fear steals from you is restored by Him. Once you let go and let Him handle it, you see a new path. Your new path involves the process of letting go and letting Him deal with it, continuously. What once was a continuous loop of terror, becomes a continuous loop of support.
If you’re wondering why me? It’s because His grace is sufficient for you. He loves you. The perfect love of God is not like anything else. It’s not because of anything you’ve done to earn it, it’s because He loves you as you are and wants you to have a good life with Him.
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Have you ever thought about what real unconditional love is?
Love that has no boundaries and endless availability. God loves us in a way we can’t even love ourselves. Comment below and tell me your thoughts.