What religion are you?

This question can make one of two things happen. You want to run for the hills, or proudly stand tall declaring your faith.

But, what’s the real purpose of this question?

Depending on what part of the world you live in, it may be a question that holds your life in balance. Answering this question can turn your friend quickly into your adversary. It’s as if your religion tells someone all they need to know about who you are. It creates another category to classify you. No one can be pigeon-holed into categories. Every person is a unique blend of character and charisma.


Your religion may be an integral part of your identity. Before you continue reading, I want to make it clear that I believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God who came to earth, died, defeated death and sin, and rose again. I am writing this to prompt reflection about the truth of God using the New King James Version of the Bible. In no way is this meant to shame, reject, or outcast any other beliefs or religions. If anything, I encourage you to read forward.

If you don’t agree with me, please understand, I am not your enemy. You are entitled to your choice. I can only plant the seed, but it’s God who gives the increase.

You are welcome here.

Let’s focus on 7 questions that you think, but don’t ask.

1. What is the difference between religion and a relationship with God?

Your religion says nothing about your relationship with God.

Is that hard to hear? I’m sorry, but it’s true.

Going through the motions of religion without your heart transformed is just empty work. Jesus transforms you through His Holy Spirit. He works within you, it’s not your works, but by God’s grace. Jesus changes your heart, and you are a new creation.

The more you let Him work inside you, the more you will share the fruits of the Holy Spirit. You can go to church every week, tithe, and even be on the church council. And, if your heart isn’t circumcised by Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God who died and rose again, then you won’t able to do what He needs. He says “without Me you can do nothing” John 15:5.   

Read through Ephesians 2 for more about God’s grace through faith and circumcision of the heart.

2. What does religion mean?

religion Kelly Jo Wilson
Photo by Nikko Tan on Pexels.com

Practice and traditions.

This isn’t necessarily bad as long as it’s rooted in God’s word. But, things get misunderstood when the flesh tries to overpower the spirit. Centuries of religious leaders who’ve used traditions as a way to twist the word of God for selfish reasons prove that the flesh is no match for the spirit; it always falters.

Over thousands of years, religions have been poked and prodded so much we can barely keep up. Traditions made by man are the foundations of many churches.

Even the people who vow to these traditions can’t keep up with them.

Futhermore, traditions not rooted in God’s word are stumbling blocks for those looking for Him. Religion itself is so complicated that scholars can’t even agree on the definition of the word. 

Your special story witness

Religion isn’t your defining character. And, once you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, it’s Him who lives inside you. His Holy Spirit.

Your relationship with Him is what matters.

3. What is the fruit Jesus is talking about?

Fruit of the Spirit:

  • Kindness
  • Gentleness
  • Patience/longsuffering
  • Peace
  • Joy
  • Self-control
  • Love
  • Goodness
  • Faithfulness

Jesus sums everything up in that passage. Your relationship with Jesus is like pulling your fruit from His vine. If He is your source, you will have an endless supply. If He lives in you when you accept Him, you just have to seek Him and spend time with Him.

4. Who can I trust?

I’m sure you wouldn’t want someone to lie to you about the word of God. However, you face lies every single day. Someone tries to feed them to you, so you don’t even come close to knowing and loving the truth of Jesus. It is a battle within your own flesh and spirit.

Good and evil. It’s a very real fight.

Certain religions don’t address this internal fight without using shame as a way to say you should be better at it. Well, there’s no shame here.

I’ll admit that I’m terrible at it because I have no strength in my flesh at all. So, I simply step aside and let Jesus do it. Even stepping aside is hard for me.

I am weak in my flesh, and guess what? You are too. We can’t handle it. We’re not supposed to be able to handle it.

Your weakness is something to celebrate.

5. Why celebrate weakness?

Because the Lord says “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness2 Corinthians 12:9.

Now, the battle takes many forms. Are you fighting the I’m not good enough battle? Perhaps you face the I don’t need God because I can do it myself struggle. Or even this … Why would God let this happen to me?

Anxiety, grief, anger (and many more) all take hold of our spirit. Because of this, our spirit silently suffers the more we try to do things on our own. Our flesh squeezes tighter and tighter, slowly choking the truth out of our heart and mind.

6. Why do I struggle?

religion Kelly Jo Wilson
Photo by Eternal Happiness on Pexels.com

There is a catalyst that is always chasing you. He wants you to believe you are the center of the world. His devious ways make you think you are the reason for everything happening in your life, good and bad. His darts are fired at you in such a cunning way, you think you are the one shooting them. He lingers, waiting to influence you with twisted truth.

His name is the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2), aka Satan.

Confusion, chaos, and hate are his dwelling places. So, when you feel doubt and anger, he swoops in trying to penetrate your mind, because He wants you to keep that mess going. The longer you are stuck in it, the farther you get from focusing on Jesus.

You alone simply cannot match this power. It exists, and it’s not your battle to fight.

Have you experienced complete exhaustion from it? You’re torn by choices or riddled with guilt making you think God could never love you. Or, you’re angry and beaten down from a palpable pressure in your life, influencing every moment.

Yes, I’ve been there too.

7. What am I supposed to do?

Take heart in this …

You have everything you need in Jesus Christ.

  • He already defeated death and Satan
  • He overcame what has you struggling right now
  • Becasue of YOU, He laid down His life
  • And, He’s on your side.

When you believe in Jesus, and I mean that very moment, He is with you.

Your relationship with Him is very personal and holy. Also, your relationship looks different than what someone else has with Him, so you can’t get stuck in comparing or setting expectations about what you think it “should” look like.

This is what Jesus says it’s like …

“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned. If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples” John 15: 5-8

Again, you have everything you need in Jesus Christ.

Your relationship with Him is what matters and His purpose for your life is revealed in that relationship. Also, once you abide in Him, He wants you to keep His words. He looks for you to love other people as He loves you. You can share the fruits of the spirit. Use the special gifts He’s equipped you with to be a witness to Him in your everyday life.

Your relationship with Jesus helps you to understand your purpose.

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