“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord” 1 Corinthians 15:58, NKJV

Do you ever feel like you want to give up?

You know you should push forward, but you just can’t find the energy. You feel like giving up and throwing in the towel.

You question the purpose of this tough thing you’re going through because you’ve been faithful.

God rewards those who believe in Him, right?

So why is it so hard?

I remember a time when I almost didn’t finish nursing school. I was a non-traditional student, which is a fancy way to say I was old compared to the others.

I wanted to quit.

I prayed instead. A lot.

And despite my feelings, I stayed the course, kicking and screaming the entire time.

And you know what? I graduated.

God had to nudge me, but I did it. He provided the path. I just had to walk it.

Becoming a nurse was the hardest but most rewarding journey I’ve ever taken. I’ve met people I’ll never forget.

But the most important part was being able to help in their vulnerable moments.

God was always with me, even when I wanted to give up.

In your life, I’m sure there are times you’ve wanted to quit, too.

But maybe your situation is more tragic, like losing someone you love.

You feel lost and heartbroken. And you just don’t have the strength anymore.

Sometimes, it’s just too hard.

And pushing forward takes too much energy that you have to muster from every cell in your body.

It isn’t easy to see God’s plan when we’re going through something difficult.

But God’s word says to be steadfast and immovable.

So how can we stay the course when all we want to do is give up?

We let Jesus do it.

We aren’t strong enough to withstand all the battles in our flesh telling us to quit.

Our spirit is broken down by the lies of the world, saying we can do everything ourselves.

We feel inadequate, shameful even when we feel like giving up, which only fuels more despair.

But Jesus can do it. So ask Him for help right where you are.

Pray. Pray. Pray.

Building your relationship with Jesus will strengthen His presence in your life.

The more time you spend with Him, the more you trust Him.

You’d be surprised at how He shows up just when you can’t take it anymore.

He promised you that He would give you rest.

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” Matthew 11:28

Resting in Jesus doesn’t mean giving up and just going to sleep.

It means giving Him your burden and taking comfort in the truth that He will carry it.

Whatever makes you feel like quitting, God knows you are capable of being steadfast with His help.

He is faithful that you will press forward.

And you know who else knows? Satan.

He knows that you are powerful and immovable as soon as you have God and Jesus on your side.

Trust God, give it to Jesus, and you will make it through.

It sounds too easy, but trust is the hardest thing for us to give away. 

Please comment below on how we can pray for you in your journey.

You’re not alone. You can do this!