Do you struggle to know how God is calling you in your life?

He doesn’t answer when you pray. He has a message for you, but you have no idea how to hear it.

You feel disconnected from Him.

You think He doesn’t hear you when you ask Him for guidance. Then it prompts you to believe you are not good enough to do His work.

You struggle and need Him to show you. His silence gets louder every day, making it harder to keep the faith.

I understand. I’ve been there, too.

You have a story, and it’s filled with beautiful brokenness. Not one person on this earth knows what it’s like to be you.

For that simple reason, there is a unique path for your life that is only yours.

But God has bigger plans for you.

He has given you something special. All of your experiences, both wonderful and difficult, contribute to it. It’s taking new shape every time you face something in your life.

God has dealt to each one a measure of faith” (Romans 12:3, NKJV).

You have something God has given to you, just you.

He calls you to function in a certain way for His church.

If you have a gift of mercy, He needs you to comfort His people in hard times.

If your gift is prophecy, He needs you to tell the world about His grace, whether you shout from the rooftops or tell your neighbor in your backyard.

It’s for His purpose that you are different from anyone else in the world. God’s church isn’t the building you attend on Sundays. It’s His people.

Jesus sacrificed Himself for everyone.

Everyone includes … everyone—both the killer and the victim.

God rejoices when you believe in Him and want to share His word.

Through the Holy Spirit, your gift is magnified. It’s God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit that equip you to share the fruits of the Spirit, such as goodness and love.

So how do you know when God is calling you?

Read the five ways God may be calling you.

Here are 5 ways to know when God is calling you to use your gift:

1. You notice something different

You start to notice how you are different from others and how your abilities can help a situation.

Your natural tendency to lead, comfort, or speak up is part of how God has equipped you for sharing His message.

You are comfortable in certain situations that others are not. But don’t compare yourself to others because just as you have a unique gift, they do too.

This gift has been with you for a long time, and you just start making the connection that maybe it is something more.

2. You can’t stop it

When someone is hurting, do you feel compelled to comfort them?

Or in a group of people, are you always the one to take on the leadership role?

This is because you naturally just can’t stop it. Especially when you are spending time with God and really connected with Him through Jesus.

It’s like it overflows out of you, and you are just along for the ride. When you are able to use the gifts God has given you, you feel invigorated.

It’s like you are a fish in water, swimming because that’s what you were meant to do.

3. God doesn’t stop calling you

Maybe you don’t recognize the positive impact you make, and you’re doubting yourself and God. You’ve tried to be successful in the world but faced heartache and failure.

You get frustrated and angry, even at God.

But you are still pulled toward Him in some way. You feel nudged to reach out to people.

Your fire is still kindled, but you’re not sure how hard you should burn. Maybe life has hit you hard.

But God still calls you to move forward. Perhaps it’s a different path than you thought, which makes you skeptical.

For that reason, you wish you could just turn it off.

But you can’t stop noticing the ways He’s guiding you.

4. When you listen, it’s blessed beyond measure

Ok, so you’ve noticed something going on, and you see that it’s powerful.

You have faith that God really is calling you, but how are you supposed to take the first step?

When God wants you to do something, He has a path for it. You won’t understand at the moment, but you’ll know when it’s led by Him.

When you step out in faith, He knows … and He was counting on it.

There is nothing you can do but pray and listen to His instruction. It’s not an easy path, but it’s a necessary one. You can’t see the impact from your point of view, but He can.

Trust that He will guide you. He’s already equipped you. The more you submit, the more you will grow and trust.

Spend time with Him to know His voice in your life. There are so many lies in this world, and the more you focus on Him, the easier it gets to separate the lies from His truth.

5. Service

Whether you believe it or not, you have a ministry.

God calls you with the gifts He’s equipped you to serve Him. That service will look different for you than it does anyone else.

You may be a nurse like me who cares for people that are sick. You may be a stay-at-home mom who is teaching her kids to grow in faith and love.

No matter where you are in your life, God calls you to do His work.

When you spend time with Him and become more aware of your gifts, it’s easier to recognize when He needs you.

Do you think spending time with your friend who is hurting because of her divorce isn’t a way to show mercy?

What about that time you helped someone who needed a few extra dollars just to get some food?

It’s in the little things that God equips you to reach His people. Those are the times that continually bless others and transform your heart.

If you want to learn more about your gifts and how God equips you, I suggest reading Ephesians chapter 2 and Romans chapter 12, NKJV.

I also suggest taking my short free quiz on finding your spiritual gift by clicking this link .

It may help you see yourself differently and understand how God is calling you.

Please comment on how God is working in your heart to help you share your gift.